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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. 400. It's actually quite composed in quick cornering. I guess these are finding there way onto tracks.
  2. You could be right. But for now I'm having all kinds of fun on it. The riding position is all day comfortable. I'm taking it on a 3 day ride later this month. GPS and Ventura Rack is on the way.
  3. ...and this was attached. It's an absolute blast to throw into corners.
  4. I'm looking at the TomTom Rider 550. It has lifetime map updates, Wifi (no pc connection needed), and a setting to find twisty, hilly roads. Seems decent. I've never used anything TomTom before. Are there any better ones I should look at? Why?
  5. Not that many. I keep cars for 5 or 6 years. I change bikes a bit more frequently.
  6. I've owned 26 motorcycles since I started riding on the street. That's not counting a few random dirt bikes.
  7. I think you need a purpose, hobbies, mental stimulation, and some physical activity. The thought of retiring sounds great, but doing nothing isn't an option for me.
  8. My goal is to retire at 55, or a least work because I "want to" and do something I enjoy. My GF is 18 years younger and plans to still work for awhile I'm semi retired.
  9. I know Honda tends to engineer bikes with the weight down low so they feel lighter when moving... How is the Wing during low speed maneuvers...say at a stop light with a passenger? Does is still feel manageable?
  10. Cherohala is top 3 for sure.
  11. 555 isn't even in my Ohio top 10.
  12. Tpoppa

    No upshifts

    I thought the trans on my CB500X was failing. I was having to shift really hard and it felt like something was grinding. It was a bear to get into neutral. Turned out where the shift linkage clamps on onto the trans (not at the foot pedal) had become loose. Apparently, some of these left the factory with the linkage improperly torqued. I tightened that one bolt and it shifts like butter again.
  13. Assuming I am one of the old guys...If/when the CB500X sells I am probably going to get a naked bike like a street triple or Z900.
  14. Track riding is so much safer...that's why medical staff is present...you know, because it's so much safer.
  15. There's nothing quite like the sense of freedom you experience when you're riding a motorcycle...for 20 minutes at a time...you know, when they give you permission.
  16. So many jokes...must hold back...
  17. Not necessarily. If the neutral switch is failing or the light flickering, then I would start there. You can probably bypass the switch as a test.
  18. Have you checked forums for your particular bike? Ever had major repairs done to it before?
  19. This what I'll probably buy, but not until next season. Might be worth comparing to a the RT https://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/d/west-mifflin-2015-bmw-r1200r-lc/6903982643.html
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