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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'm actively looking to purchase some vacant land now, to build on the next 5 years. Eastern TN or KY is the most likely destination. Probably near Cherokee Lake or the Cumberland River. I want to build a cabin on some acres by water & hills and retire.
  2. I still have coworkers that I see from time to time.
  3. Yes. And it seems to be getting worse and worse. The US just isn't going to feel unified under a far left or far right agenda. It would be more Dem vs Rep stonewalling. I do kind of see Biden as a moderate, at least more so than some of the other choices.
  4. Anyone shoot at the OH DNR range at the Woodbury Wildlife Area? Is it worth going to? I believe it goes up to 200 yards.
  5. No one gave a fuck about Jimmy until a few years ago. Now a few do, but that's probably just out of pity.
  6. What political "business as usual" do you see operating so smoothly that it's above being disturbed? I don't really care if Trump gets reelected or not. If another person has a better vision to move the country forward...well then that's probably good for all of us. But I sincerely hope that Trump sets the precedent for outsiders displacing career politicians that sold their souls long ago.
  7. You can point and counterpoint all day about different ways to accomplish that. However, if you feel that the system is working as designed and don't see problems with democrat and replublican politicians stonewalling each other and, by the way, guilding their nests in the process....then your opinion becomes irrelevant to me.
  8. For the record I'm a right leaning moderate that votes my conscience and I don't follow any party line.
  9. Much of what happens in Washington has little if any Constitutional basis. The power structure in DC is based on career politicians and the corporations and lobbyists that wield influence over those politicians. Some threatening to that system is necessary and long overdue. That is where democrat and republican accountability has been lacking for generations.
  10. Trump haters are equally fascinating. They'd like to hang him for things they'd applaud if they were said by Obama or Hillary. In fact they have. Even if you hate Trump, you have to recognize that he is a threat to the structure that has had a strangle hold on power. I'm not so certain that's bad thing. Frankly, I'd be more surprised if there wasn't an effort to demonize him.
  11. Trump asked the pres of Ukraine to investigate something Biden may have been involved with in the Ukraine.... Is there something illegal about that? Is it because it's a potential political opponent? Didn't Obama have Trump investigated in the campaign leading up to the 2016 election? Not entirely sure why this is a thing. Because politics?
  12. It's not the best or most capable bike I've owned, but it just might be the most fun. Kawasaki did a great job on the N400!
  13. Tpoppa

    Ride 9/21

    That reminds me. I need to go shooting very soon.
  14. The last thing I want is someone chatting in my ear when I ride. All want to hear is wind and engine sounds. It's the next best thing to a solo ride
  15. I can't tell what point you are trying to make. Why don't you open carry?
  16. the best kind of open carry
  17. Is that how it went down? Or did a customer notice, and mention to other customers or employees who then told the manager there was "a guy with a gun" threatening the frozen burritos? Then the manager approached you? That's what happened in my case. I thought it was disruptive.
  18. OC is likely to lead to unwanted attention and hassles. If the police get a call about "a guy with a gun" they are going to respond. You'll probably get your chance to explain your open carry rights in person. It's also disruptive. There was a guy that would open carry at the Car Wash I used to own (in not the best part of town). It made my other customers uncomfortable, some of them spoke to me about it. Some I never saw again. I asked the guy not to open carry at my business, he was fine with it. Am I carrying? What am I carrying? That's no one's business but mine.
  19. This. I carry frequently. The only times I can justify open carry is something like hiking or camping if I'm well off the beaten path.
  20. Is that a Roger Daltrey puppet or he made of Play Dough from the neck up?
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