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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The motorcycle industry is hurting. The weaker players better figure something out.
  2. Considered something along those lines, but I prefer flogging little bikes. Plus they keep me out of trouble.
  3. I'm sure there are apps that serve that purpose. I personally don't like the possibility of being separated from my phone when I ride. I don't think my phone would hold up well to the vibration or weather.
  4. After owning both of these: Tomtom Rider 550 vs Gamrin Zumo 396 LMT-S Software (both on the device and the online route tool) - TomTom is just a better design. It's more intuitive, faster, and looks like it's 10 years ahead of Garmin. You can load GPX files from the route tool by Wifi, Gamin still needs to be attached to a PC with a cable. Hardware - Garmin is just a better design. It's slimmer, lighter, and the charging cradle takes up much less space. TomTom is faster, but other than that it looks like the designers have never actually used a motorcycle GPS. Neither is perfect, but I hated the TomTom charging cradle so going with the Garmin.
  5. Worn clutch plates will also alter the engagement point.
  6. CORE was a forum of sport bike riders that started sometime in the late 90's. I joined around 2000. We honestly never cared how fast anyone could ride. We asked everyone to stay within there own limits and waited at every turn for the group to reform. There were some VERY skilled riders and the rides were well organized. The ride rules were discussed online and at the meet spot. There was a "core" group of about 20 riders that rode most weekends the weather cooperated. At first the rides pretty much followed "The Pace" but as people's skills grew the rides got progressively hotter (while still following established pre-ride rules) especially considering the bikes, equipment, and tires we had in those days. The rides were typically 400-500 miles days at a hot pace with just a few short gas stops. Everyone knew everyone and the rides were great fun, until... CORE got a reputation as bunch of "fast guys" on the street. We suddenly had lots and lots of new people showing up to rides, which was good and bad. We met some new skilled riders, but more often we met people with lots of ego and less skill. We would give new guys the "CORE speech," ask them to take it easy and have them ride in the back with a skilled sweep watching to see how they were doing. We tried to "coach" new guys. Some of the new guys fit right in, some were asked to tone it down, some were asked to leave rides and not come back...unfortunately we had a flurry new guys crash that were trying to prove themselves to the group. We tried a few things... Group rides were broken into A & B groups. New people had to ride in B until an A vouched for them. That didn't always work. We only let new people join certain "learning" rides, that were held once every month or 2. Most of the "real" rides were private or just not posted. ...Inevitably all the rides became private. The "core" members still rode frequently and the rides were still great fun. The pace we rode just wasn't good for adding new people unless they were level headed with lots of skill (that disqualified about 98%). And that's how CORE operated for years. Over time people moved, had family responsibilities, stopped attending group rides, etc until CORE ceased to exist out of attrition. Some of us are still around... @Pauly @jbot @Howabusa @theroamr @bambam
  7. CORE went through this years ago.
  8. Let me know where and when. I'll bring girls in bikinis & liquor.
  9. I would have bought this a few weeks ago. I just bought something else.
  10. It's got 43 more horsepower than an actual horse 🐴
  11. Not dieting anymore, but we've been doing a lot of low cal healthy grilling to maintain
  12. I hope she likes it rough. We're about to find out.
  13. The stock Dunlop gpr300s do well on the street. They're even decent on the track per the Ninja 400 track day when it was released.
  14. It's a really fun bike. The handling is super sharp, with almost the same riding position as my VFR1200. Compared to the VFR1200, I can carry more corner speed on the 400, but the drive out of corners is...ummm...less.
  15. Yes. The Ninja 400 is my version of a Grom...but with some actual speed and fun included ..
  16. So, I bought the Tomtom Rider 550. The good The unit is nice. The user interface is intuitive. It looks nicer and more modern than Garmin's. The Mydrive app is also pretty nice. It's fast, almost as fast as a smart phone. The bad It's kinda heavy The mount is unnecessarily thick, and takes up too much real estate. I'm returning it to buy the Garmin Zumo 396 LMT-S because the Ninja has limited mounting options/space. This probably wouldn't be an issue on anything other than a sportbike. I like the actual unit better than the Garmin, but the lighter/thinner 396 is going to have to work.
  17. When the majority of riders say they "trail brake" they are really panic braking from lack of confidence in their corner entry speed 🙄
  18. Nothing to do with linked brakes. My CBR600RR and VFR1200 both had linked (combined) brakes and neither had that tendency. No idea about Goldwings, but some bikes are indeed prone to standing up in a corner under breaking. That was an early complaint on Buell XBs with the ZTL brakes for example. It was a repeated theme in early track reviews. I have felt in on other bikes to one degree or another. If your bike does it and you know to expect it, it's something you get used to and a non-issue, IMO. However, it more likely there's a technique issue at play. Like when the brakes are applied, or body position, or not realizing that he is changing the steering input during braking with his weight shifting forward.
  19. I did the initial break in oil change this weekend. Easiest oil change ever. No clearance issues & nothing needs to be removed to get to the drain bolt or filter. And it only takes 2.1 quarts of oil 😆
  20. What kind of oil should I use to kill a squirrel?
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