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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I've seen this argued to death from both sides. Puerto Ricans do not pay Federal Income tax, but they do pay into Social Security and Medicare, and are eligible for some benefits. Puerto Ricans cannot vote for President. Puerto Rico has it's own Constitution Puerto Ricans claim Puerto Rican and US citizenship. Some also claim Spanish and European Union Citizenship. The US Gov't and Puerto Rican Gov't both recognize Puerto Rican as a separate nationality (i.e. not American). I tend to think that while Puerto Ricans have some American rights and benefits they are not full citizens. They would not be full citizens unless Puerto Rico became the 51st state.
  2. I won't argue the accuracy of these statements, but do you understand how they are related? A similar question would be how does tightening EPA regulations have the reverse affect of actually increasing environmental impact?
  3. I think crypto currency is here to stay. It will certainly change and evolve as it finds it role. But i don't think it's going to go away.
  4. The resist movement is quite similar to a toddler candy aisle temper tantrum.
  5. I'm probably not going to invest in any of the actual currency. I've watched Bitcoin for awhile and just never felt confident at any entry point. Block chain tech is on the other hand has me interested. The ETFs I mentioned just started last week. They have potential to grow a lot over the next few years... probably not nearly as much as Bitcoin has but you never know. I just threw some dollars at BLCN. I plan to leave it for a few years and see what happens
  6. I haven't touched Bitcoin, but there are new Blockchain ETFs that started last week...BLCN & BLOK. Seems like they COULD have a big upside IF that tech gets more widely accepted.
  7. The word racist has become so overused and misused in recent years. It's beginning to lose impact in a "boy who cried wolf" kind of way. Race baiting, and falsely accusing someone of being racist is every bit as bad as actually being racist.
  8. ^^^ In fairness, in regard to the government shutdown, both sides could have easily avoided it if they chose to, they obviously didn't. This was just 3 days of grand standing and posturing. The shutdown itself is a meaningless symbol. The shutdown under Obama (2013?) followed the same playbook. As far as immigration, this is what I have witnessed with my own eyes ( I could post the campaign videos, but I trust we've seen them already): Clinton campaigned that we need to tighten our borders. Democrats cheered. He did little/nothing about it, Democrats said nothing. Bush campaigned that we need to tighten our borders. Republicans cheered. He did little/nothing about it, Republicans said nothing. Obama campaigned that we need to tighten our borders. Democrats cheered. He did little/nothing about it, Democrats said nothing. Trump campaigned that we need to tighten our borders. Republicans cheered. He is attempting to follow through, Democrats call him Hitler. In regard to DACA specifically, I don't think that Trump has the intention of cancelling DACA. Remember he said he'll give to Congress and they have 6 months to figure it out. I think that was a negotiating tactic to get funding for the wall. Take DACA away then offer it back to get the wall. We'll see how it plays out. Now, immigration big picture. Neither dems or reps in DC give a fuck about individual immigrants. It comes down to votes...immigrants are more likely to be dependent of gov't programs and vote Democrat. Democrats want to maximize those potential votes, Republicans want to minimize them. That is immigration in a nutshell...it's been that way since the Civil War . The sides have just changed a few times since then .
  9. Tpoppa

    LCP ll

    I have a G42. It's not my favorite pocket pistol, but it gets carried sometimes. It's plenty small to fit in a front pocket.
  10. Tpoppa

    LCP ll

    The G42 is the baby-est Glock
  11. Tpoppa

    LCP ll

    Not a fan. Some have said the cheaper Bersa copies have better triggers.
  12. I don't agree with every word, but that's actually a pretty insightful post.
  13. This is the most accurate statement about American politics. Both parties are guilty as fuck. If you still think that your party gets it, and it's the other parties fault, then you are stupid as fuck.
  14. Andy, Is that a serious comment or are you being sarcastic? I've heard that point argued from both sides.
  15. Liberals love to believe they are the party of tolerance. But tend to be highly intolerant of any group that has different social or political views. Not just my opinion, this been identified by respected democrats and studies at liberal universities. http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/28/us/fareed-zakaria-liberals-cnntv/index.html https://www.dailywire.com/news/15909/dartmouth-study-highlights-intolerance-and-james-barrett One of the worst examples of this was Hillary's "Basket of Deplorables" comment during the campaign. Rather than trying to appeal to swing voters that were leaning Trump, she opted for blatant race baiting. IMO, that single comment cost her.
  16. I think Trump "could" get reelected, but definitely not a foregone conclusion. The Democratic party needs to up their game and back someone better than Hillary and probably better than Oprah, or there very well could be a second term. A lot will happen between now and then.
  17. He has scored some foreign policy wins. Even CNN acknowledged that.
  18. Why? Because some people have a different opinion. I'm afraid that is pretty weak.
  19. That describes the majority of senior managers that I have worked with in my professional career...unfortunately.
  20. Narcissist perhaps. Sociopath?..I completely disagree with that. I thought he had a huge ego before politics. I don't think anyone's ego has ever been reduced by being elected President of the United States of America. I do like his take on the economy, I think he understand it as good or better than any President in my lifetime. However, I don't think his personality or twitter account is particularly "presidential."
  21. This is what I meant when I said I tend to agree with his son's comment that he only sees green. Wouldn't doing business and making money on/with people of different races (and he has) be the opposite of racist? It makes him opportunistic and greedy, but not racist. I guess I'm looking for a policy decision that unfairly affects a particular race. I've heard the immigration policy, travel ban, and tax codes referred to as racist, but I don't see it.
  22. I've referred to places like Philadelphia, Detroit, and Gary, Indiana as shit holes because I think they are. Nothing to do with race.
  23. I'll stick with the intended definition of racism which is based on race. While poor, lazy, or immigrants (legal or illegal) have rights they are not considered a protected class.
  24. I'm not trying to point fingers at Democrats or people that dislike Trump. I genuinely want to know the substance behind the comments that refer to him as racist.
  25. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a poo throwing contest... I've seen a lot of articles lately referring to trump as a racist. Full disclosure...I wasn't a big fan of Trump before the election, and I'm still not (I did prefer him over Hillary, though), but I've never thought of him or his businesses as racist. I pretty much agree with the quote by his son saying that the only color he (Trump) sees is green & and think dollars/economics are the driving factor behind much of his policies. My question is this: Do you think Trump is racist? If yes, what do you think is the most obvious example of him being racist?
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