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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The NFL will totally support their players...unless it's anything that could potentially lower TV ratings or revenue, then it will not be allowed. Follow the $$.
  2. I am not following...is vagina an insult? I'm pro vagina, but strongly against jumping.
  3. How do you like the riding position? Reviews were pretty critical of the footpeg placement.
  4. I have people in town this weekend, otherwise I'd be interested.
  5. I've been getting into this a bit lately, but have not fully committed. I rode about half of the Kentucky Adventure Trail a few weeks ago. I did things on 2 wheels that I'd never attempted before. I was in mud and water above the tops of my wheels with the throttle wide open...riding up steep grades trying to carry speed where the entire trail was covered with rocks the size of softballs...riding down slick muddy hills with zero traction for braking. Some if it was challenging and fun, some was extremely difficult to the point it was risky and not much fun. I think every experience on 2 wheels will teach you something. That one definitely tested limits.
  6. Agree. I also have an SR22. That's generally the first gun I grab when I teach someone to shoot. It's eaten the bulk ammo I've fed it.
  7. Hundreds of thousands of 22 auto pistols have been sold, yet 22 revolvers are pretty uncommon. It's party because double action and rim fire is not a great combination...it has to do with the spring pressure needed to accommodate the surface area of the firing pin. That Taurus 94 I mentioned above was pretty good in SA, but wasn't as enjoyable to shoot as any of the 22 autos I've owned. Have you fired any of the 22 single action autos like the Buckmark, Ruger I-IV or 22/45, Smith 22A/S, Smith Victory? These are all accurate and crazy fun. I have a S&W 22S that's had something like 25-30k rounds through it. I clean it about every 1k. It's my favorite range toy.
  8. I had a Taurus 94 that was a pretty good shooter in single action. It had a heavy double action trigger pull, but I think that's true for all rim fire revolvers.
  9. This. Where you practice is where your skills are going to apply most. In all my years and miles, I've only met just a small handful of riders that I'd say are truly excellent on both street & track.
  10. The one area where I felt my skills were not up to par on the track was hard braking. It's just not something I practice. If I brake hard on the street it means I misjudged something. Ideally, I'll never need to hard brake on the street.
  11. Right, you can ONLY learn to ride fast on the track.
  12. Not the case at all. I was by far the fastest person in my novice group & had no problem lapping to catch the back of the pack. I kept the control rider in sight the handful of times when he got a little sporty. I left with my ego in tact
  13. I did a KTM track day at mid Ohio on a RC8R. I liked the bike, it felt pretty similar to the 1125R I owned at the time. I saw more crashes that day than I did in the previous 5 seasons on the street...not just in my group. After doing that track day, I've never had the slightest interest in doing another one. Not because of the crashes...I just found going around the same track over and over to be less fun than a street ride. I know lots of people get the track bug. I didn't. We all ride for different reasons.
  14. My main hobbies are Motorcycle, shooting guns, and playing pool. My interest level, energy, and available time fluctuates. I've taken breaks from all of them, but I always come back. When hobbies start to feel like a responsibility then I know it's time to take a break.
  15. I'm pretty much exactly the opposite. I found the track to be kinda boring. 20 minute sessions just weren't enough to scratch the itch. I remember leaving the track day thinking...I'd like to go for a real ride now. I also felt like being on the track was more risky, but that could have been because of the people in my group.
  16. At idle it's putting out 13.8-14.0 volts. At 3k, volts drop to around 12.2. I'm guessing that means the battery has limited capacity and it's dropping from the load from ign & FI. Sound right?
  17. The engine light was coming on with the battery light. That could have been it. FI was definitely low on pressure.
  18. ...then I bought a Harley. Actually, can't really blame the bike, 90% sure the battery failed. How it failed was kind of weird. I knew the battery was on the way out. After sitting for 4-5 days it would weakly crank the starter. It wouldn't start this morning. Put it on a tender for about an hour and it fired up. After about 20 minutes the battery light would come on over 3k...if I backed down to lower rpms the battery light would go out. I guess I was expecting just the opposite. It sputtered to a halt when I was riding around 4.5k, I was hoping the charging system would give it enough juice at that speed. I'm pretty sure the charging system is ok. I rode it about 250 miles a few Sundays ago without issue. The battery will still take a charge on the tender, but my theory is that it's barely taking a charge. When running, I think power is being pulled faster than being recharged. Sound right? I plan to replace the battery and test the charging system.
  19. I want my 401k to double I want to give my company many middle fingers I want to eat crappy food, not exercise, and look fit I want to guzzle whiskey and feel fine the next day
  20. http://www.news5cleveland.com/news/national/nra-calls-for-a-review-of-device-used-in-las-vegas-shooting-that-increases-a-gun-s-firepower "The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations," the statement reads.
  21. We have a shitty person, that was set on doing shitty things to an unsuspecting crowd of innocent people. Would this conversation be any different if instead of shooting, he drove that car with 50lbs of tannerite into that crowd? Any idea what that much tannerite would do?
  22. No matter which side of the gun control debate you land on it's REALLY EASY to cherry pick the statistics that support your opinion. People get really emotional about certain numbers, but in reality the overall statistics do not point in any clear direction. Mexico has tougher gun regulations then Australia, yet gun violence is many times higher. Why? Is it a societal reason? Banning things in America hasn't always worked out so awesome. See prohibition and the war on drugs. Also, the Brady Bill was in effect for 10 years, it's impact to homicide rates was not statistically meaningful.
  23. Prohibition - We make alcohol illegal. Violent gangs get rich selling alcohol. Alcohol is widely available. Already overcrowded prisons get even more overcrowded. War on Drugs - We make drugs illegal. Violent gangs get rich selling drugs. Drugs are widely available. Already overcrowded prisons get even more overcrowded. Tell me how it would be any different if guns were made illegal? How would it be enforced? What would happen to the 300 million guns in the US today...many of which are untraceable? How would we prevent the flow of guns across our borders, perhaps build a wall to keep illegal things out?
  24. I tend to agree with this. My gut tells me that the deepening divide in political climate in our county is a contributing factor & is going to lead to more extreme type behavior. Unfortunately, I think the gun control argument is just going to deepen that divide even more. Every time the gun control debate gains momentum, the one thing you can count on is more guns will be produced and sold. For sake of argument, lets say all legal access to guns, or certain types of guns was banned (which seems to be what Tonik is thinking but lacks the balls to say). Those guns will still be available to those that choose to break the laws...just as heroin, cocaine, etc are available today. Law abiding citizens, however, would be the ones without access. I could leave my house right now and have heroin or cocaine in my hands by lunchtime. How would controlling access to guns be any different?
  25. Yikes. Maybe plan B was to drive into the crowd
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