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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The vast majority of these players aren't protesting anything. They are just being trendy. Kneeling is the new planking, or Tebow-ing.
  2. The best thing Trump has done was keep the Clinton cartel out of the White House.
  3. I think Francis is a nice man, but a bad Catholic. While the Catholic church was due for reform, you can't just rewrite dogma without undermining the entire religion. It's very hard to argue that an eternal, all knowing god changed his mind because people's social opinions changes & some of the church's rules became unpopular
  4. While some do, this is not a requirement or custom. §171. Conduct during playing During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there.
  5. This doesn't surprise me. http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/25/world/pope-heresy/index.html
  6. NFL ratings were down last year (partly because of these protests). They are already down further this year. My guess is they will drop even more this year. Even though the players have the right to protest, I think it's in poor taste and the only effect of this protest so far has been to piss off their own fans. Seriously, what are these protests supposed to do anyway? I support the fans right change the channel and ignore these whiny, privileged, millionaires who think life isn't fair.
  7. Avoid the headache. It's not a bad bike, actually it's a pretty good bike. The motor is stout, the handling is good but, support sucked even when Buell/EBR was still around...it's worse now. 09s have a fatal flaw in the charging system that will fail at some point. There are (were) charging fixes, but none of them were cheap. Parts availability is an issue. For example, they are belt drive, and the belts aren't still being manufactured.
  8. Certainly CBR & VFR brakes a better than SV brakes. The CBR & VFR have a very nice combined ABS system that will stop the bike in the minimum possible distance for the given conditions. If ABS engaged on either wheel, the system seamlessly engages the other brake and you just stop. I'm not able to out brake it. The SV ABS was not linked. When ABS engaged all it did was reduce braking force (by quite a bit). It took much longer to stop. I could EASILY outbrake that shitty sytsem. I sold that POS after owning it for around 500 miles.
  9. I had a 2008 SV650 with ABS that was absolutely dangerous. The wheel wouldn't lock, but it basically disengaged the brake. It took forever to stop, it was scary. The linked C-ABS on had on my CBR and currently have on my VFR12 is light years ahead of that shitty Suzuki system. I can try to lock up both tires on dry pavement, or wet, or gravel, and it just stops without even a wiggle. The new R1, BWM, Aprilia, etc systems are even better.
  10. Signature line gold right there. Sorry to hear that you crashed
  11. I don't claim to know fuck all about racing, but I do know technology. This is pretty much the same argument every time new technology comes along. There's no way launch control, or wheelie control, or traction control, or even a quick shifter can do better than a skilled, experienced racer. Until they do. Ask Josh Hayes.
  12. Right, the track is a magical land of mystery where the rules of physics are completely different. Lean angle ABS on a street bike is pretty amazing. If you let a race team develop that or had a MotoGP team link it to GPS with a braking profile specific to each braking point on each turn for specific conditions...I'm sorry but no human could match that. I think the downside would be that the racing would not be as exciting to watch.
  13. Don't be so sure. I seriously doubt anyone on this board could out brake the excellent C-ABS on my 2010 CBR600RR and that was a couple generations behind this http://www.motorcycle.com/safety/mo-tested-cornering-abs.html "...my mind half melted at the amount of braking force that could be applied to a leaned-over front tire before it lost grip and tucked,”
  14. Right, because no one ever tucks the front.
  15. MotoGp doesn't have abs because it against the rules, at least it was last I looked into it.
  16. Tpoppa

    North Korea

    I have to say that I'm expecting the the situation with North Korea to get much worse. The "stronger" sanctions against North Korea that were just unanimously approved by the UN (including China and Russia), aren't going to have much impact. I tend to agree with Putin's statement, "...North Koreans would rather "eat grass" than suspend a nuclear weapons program..." Interesting interview with Trump in 1999 about North Korea, start at 1:45 Why does North Korea hate the US? Here's an interesting perspective. https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/world/why-does-north-korea-hate-the-us-look-to-the-korean-war/2017/05/29/c4fe5372-4237-11e7-b29f-f40ffced2ddb_video.html?utm_term=.0d68fb487b94
  17. Sure. What bike currently has the record? That might be a great place to start. Add power, shave weight, & improve the aero as much as possible.
  18. who wants to change 4 tires for me
  19. I would have a major problem with someone passing me like that. I'd probably have to talk it out with them. The only time I've passed strangers in the same lane is when I get behind large group of Harleys on a curvy road. I have no problem weaving through their rolling road block.
  20. There are very few cruisers I think are fun to ride. I won't ride anything with feet way forward, or any goofy handle bars. And I don't buy the "torque is more important than HP nonsense." I've had a couple 3rd Gen Magnas that weren't too bad. The VRSCR is mostly a better bike than the Magna. It's kinda of a mashup...cruiser, with a sport naked riding position, and sport bike power. The motor is really good, kind of reminds me of the Buell 1125R motor. You can lean it way over, but you kind of need to because of the long wheelbase. It's an interesting package that mostly works. I'm still learning how to make it go through corners quickly.
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