After looking more closely at this bike the design makes less sense. This is absolutely another form over function HD, which will makes no sense at all for an ADV bike where function is everything and form means nothing.
Look how close the rear cylinder is to the front of the seat. When riding a big ADV bike though fire roads, double tracks and single track trails you tend go go pretty slow and crawl around in lower gears picking the best line. At slow speeds the bike will be running hot. Would you want your knees or shin resting that close the rear cylinder or heat shield? Why is that much of the engine exposed anyway? Most ADV bikes are packaged with the engine low and forward to keep the weight distribution more manageable.
LED turn signals on the hand guards on an ADV bike? Really? Hand guards take abuse on trails, the good ones have inserts that can be replaced cheaply when they get broken...and they do. Turn signal should be mounted out of harms way so unpaved tip overs are less expensive.
I could go on, but it's pointless. I'm not even convinced this motorcycle will ever actually make it to showrooms.