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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. It would be great to see you Nivin.
  2. Holly & I will most likely stop by for a while. We usually get to the show as soon as it opens (9:30 am). The great unwashed masses don't roll in until about 11:30 so that gives us a chance to see & sit on before it's a mob scene.
  3. jschaf


    Sounds like a good plan.
  4. Mostly just water, sometimes soap.
  5. jschaf


    You're putting ideas in my head Dave. I just ordered 2 days of certs for mid ohio + a new set of Q3s for the CBR. Thanks for the code Habi. It will be nice to check the weather before signing up. No more rainy days there for me.
  6. Alternate Semi-Epic route: https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-93+N%2FUS-22+E&daddr=State+Rte+60+S+to:OH-78+W+to:OH-377+S+to:bp+near+Marietta,+OH+to:OH-26+N%2FOH-260+N+to:39.665876,-81.25569+to:39.6959616,-81.3526899+to:OH-78+W+to:McConnelsville,+OH+to:OH-93+S%2FUS-22+W&hl=en&geocode=FUfxYAId3oEc-w%3BFQsSXQIdvuMe-w%3BFeTvXAIdjlwe-w%3BFRrAWQIdaiEe-w%3BFetgWQId4msl-yHNmXCAwJZWcCmXLt-L-8tJiDHNmXCAwJZWcA%3BFQ61WwIdwvEo-w%3BFdRAXQId9iIo-ymtL5A1TCc2iDF66LCO6swvFw%3BFVm2XQIdD6gm-ym34XxoYyg2iDFiMLq82srGfg%3BFfRaXgIdNxMk-w%3BFar9XAId-QQf-yk_1-Fe6ds3iDHk_Co7IeaeMg%3BFQDuYAIdDoAc-w&aq=0&oq=z&sll=39.90921,-81.976719&sspn=0.111529,0.264187&vpsrc=6&dirflg=h&mra=dme&mrsp=10&sz=13&via=6,7&ie=UTF8&ll=39.693451,-81.588593&spn=0.895023,2.113495&t=m&z=10 Thoughts?
  7. I'll see if I can shorten. I was thinking 60,78,377,550,26,260,78,60. I'll see how that adds up later today.
  8. Congratulations to you & your wife. Have you picked out his first bike yet?
  9. Any interest in this route? https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-93+N%2FUS-22+E&daddr=39.8225296,-81.8891304+to:W+Riverside+Dr+to:39.4432287,-81.9039497+to:OH-377+S+to:Ohio+River+Scenic+Byway%2FPike+St+to:OH-260+S+to:OH-7+N%2FState+Rte+7+N+to:OH-800+N+to:39.684097,-80.9736475+to:Sardis,+OH+to:Ohio+River+Scenic+Byway+to:OH-145%2FOH-26+S+to:39.7937168,-81.0447047+to:Woodsfield,+OH+to:OH-26+S+to:OH-145+to:OH-78+W+to:McConnelsville,+OH+to:OH-93+S%2FUS-22+W&hl=en&geocode=FUTxYAId3IEc-w%3BFcGkXwIdlnge-yk5yHwmouc3iDEYoXGmB9XH8A%3BFbAOXQIdeOce-w%3BFRzbWQIdsz4e-ymXYcH-0BVIiDG9anKNHHaisw%3BFc6_WQIdSSEe-w%3BFaBcWQIdf3cl-w%3BFcmsWwIdyOco-w%3BFYa3WwIdUu8r-w%3BFdMVXgId92wq-w%3BFQGIXQIdsXAs-ymp47QhMQM2iDHe5YMfUwxxAw%3BFcaYXAIdJl8t-ykv8xJV9v1JiDGcQ0VAaHzAqg%3BFU7vXgId8Rsu-w%3BFcIiYAId-a4q-w%3BFTQ0XwIdIFsr-ymTVgofdxo2iDGISlQrvEz5Xw%3BFY26XgIdCEcq-yl9AnmBABk2iDG0XWcX_KVn-g%3BFUDkXAIdtlwp-w%3BFfCVXAIdt6Am-w%3BFfpaXgIdYhMk-w%3BFar9XAId-QQf-yk_1-Fe6ds3iDHk_Co7IeaeMg%3BFX_wYAIdbYEc-w&aq=0&oq=Z&sll=39.791127,-81.13987&sspn=0.223441,0.528374&vpsrc=6&t=m&mra=dpe&mrsp=13&sz=12&via=1,3,9,13&ie=UTF8&ll=39.788489,-81.427917&spn=0.89379,2.113495&z=10&dirflg=d
  10. Final test: https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-7+S%2FState+Rte+7+S&daddr=39.6848875,-80.991211+to:Woodsfield,+OH&hl=en&geocode=FSiYXAIdaFct-w%3BFReLXQIdFSws-ylZbKoBzRw2iDGEheJuyq_wBg%3BFY26XgIdCEcq-yl9AnmBABk2iDG0XWcX_KVn-g&aq=0&oq=woo&sll=39.663654,-81.016808&sspn=0.223855,0.528374&vpsrc=0&t=m&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=12&via=1&ie=UTF8&z=12&dirflg=d
  11. Test 2 https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=OH-7+S%2FState+Rte+7+S&daddr=39.6848875,-80.991211+to:Woodsfield,+OH&hl=en&sll=39.663654,-81.016808&sspn=0.223855,0.528374&geocode=FSiYXAIdaFct-w%3BFReLXQIdFSws-ylZbKoBzRw2iDGEheJuyq_wBg%3BFY26XgIdCEcq-yl9AnmBABk2iDG0XWcX_KVn-g&oq=woo&t=m&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=12&via=1&z=12
  12. Meeting in Zanesville is good with me, some really excellent roads mentioned above. Anybody know where there'd be a good place to gather? I'm not familiar with Zanesville. Maybe someone who is can make a suggestion. I do know Zanesville is large enough to have a big Walmart & at least one supermarket so finding a large parking lot for this well behaved crowd shouldn't be too hard.
  13. The ride could be more Epic: Zanesville meetup, route including 377, 26, 260, 800, 255, 556, 537, 565, 78. I'm not particular about the date.
  14. Cranberry Wilderness in West Virginia is a nice place to motorcycle camp. Me & my Ninja spent a night there last summer. I went more for the ridin' than the campin' though. The twisties are top notch. Don't know anything about that AVD stuff though. A fully functional rack for your bike can be made out of PVC pipe & fittings really cheap.
  15. Please tell me it was a motorcycle cop.
  16. Closed loop geothermal here & no regrets. My parents used to heat with wood & I remember it being a huge PIA to cut, split, & carry all the wood.
  17. Those look just like the Bridgeport's I got from Motomummy. I like the easy access. No issues to date. Torque spec for installation is fairly low so use a torque wrench.
  18. jschaf

    Bent rim?

    The Wheel Warehouse in Kettering does good work but I had to hound them for a month or so to get my wheel back. This was in May.
  19. Great day for a ride. Great ride. Great group to ride with. Brian (B-Mac), you left 5 minutes before we arrived according to the nice lady at the gas station. Sorry we missed you.
  20. I'll see you gentlemen in Millersburg in the AM.
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