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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Great deal on great stands. The only reason I didn't pick up the remaining rear stand is that I already have an identical one. These things don't wear out so you would essentially be buying a new stand.
  2. Welcome to OR. Southeast Ohio has some pretty good roads if you are not adverse to 500 mile out & back days. Check out the "Rides & Events" section of the forum if you want company on such rides. Also, you're pretty close to Nelson Ledges track. Moto Series puts on track day/ club race weekends there.
  3. jschaf

    Tar Snakes

    Hate em too. Be glad they weren't Tar Gators.
  4. I can sweep. This will be the maiden twisty ride for the Ninja & I owe you a sweep.
  5. One of these years the stars will align just right & I'll be able to make the trip. Have fun & keep the rubber down all that are going.
  6. Welcome. I graduated from OU back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Hope you learn how to ride that RR as it was intended to be ridden for maximum enjoyment.
  7. What's the policy on spectators at Nelson's. My wife & I might putt over next Sunday.
  8. The truth. I have no qualms with riding the life out of tires that I have mushroom plugged myself. What's the worst that could happen? Your chance of picking up another hole in your tire due to road hazards is a lot higher than the chance of a properly installed plug coming out.
  9. Have a great ride. Prior obs here. Hopefully see you on Tony's ride in June.
  10. It was great to have you along Andy. You've been posting entirely too much lately.
  11. The switchbacks there are quite fun. Welcome to the forum.
  12. Almost none. How many electric bikes can you recharge in a few minutes & be on your way again.
  13. Interesting. They seem to be making some progress. I'll have to wait until they get something with a 600 mile range (or really fast recharge) that is price competitive with fossil fuel bikes.
  14. Hope I can. I'll know closer to the date.
  15. Ticket was for wrong side of the closed bridge. Apparently there is a troll under the bridge.
  16. It was a great day for riding. (Except for the $90 toll bridge in New Concord on the way home) Thanks everyone.
  17. 7:00 AM Sunday BP on 83 just south of I-71 near Lodi. Next stop Marathon on Whitewoman St. in Coshocton approximately 8:30. Next stop Hocking Mall in Logan, ETA 10:30 AM. If your bike can't make 90 miles on a fueling, speak up.
  18. Check out Consumer Reports. (seriously). They say that BMW bikes are the worst for reliability, followed by Harley. I met a guy on one of Hutch's rides that had a 2012 (I think) s1000rr that's engine had siezed. The dealer replaced the engine under warranty but in doing so neglected to secure the kickstand properly, causing the bike to fall over when the guy got it back. Personally, I don't think I'd want one. Good luck.
  19. If it makes anybody feel worse Accuweather is calling for 38% to 51% chance of rain any given hour & temps in the mid 50s if we ride Saturday & 0% chance of rain with temps 5 degrees warmer if we ride Sunday. If I had to decide, I'd opt for Sunday.
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