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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. jschaf

    New Husqvarna

    I'll definitely be watching to see what they want for it. Looks like it might be a welcome addition to the stable.
  2. Check out the new Husky. I like. http://www.motorcycledaily.com/2011/07/husqvarna-unveils-new-parallel-twin-nuda-900r/
  3. Goes to show that whack jobs come in all flavors.
  4. Strangest thing I've ever heard from a stranger is "I hope you both die today the way you kids ride those things." from an guy about my age in a minivan. My wife & I were both gassing up our bikes, helmets still on, in a Marathon station. Told him to leave before someone gets hurt & he did. The first thing, we're 51 & 52 years old respectively. Next thing, my wife is already a very conservative rider & this off the wall comment really f'd up her ride for the day.
  5. Have fun & ride safe. Wish I could go.
  6. That's a very generous offer. I'll let you known't.
  7. I'd go but I now have to sit out the season due to my 4 wheel tomfoolery. Have fun & watch out for the invisible gravel on 555.
  8. Guess I'll be riding to the track & broiling under the hot sun then. Cheers.
  9. jschaf


    Wyoming on a Busa. My hat goes off to you. Please report back when you get back. Hopefully that should quelch the squid bias that you've been getting here. Best of luck.
  10. Welcome to the forum. "Watch out for the lions." (Caesar)
  11. Ahh, back in the day. We had no internet to tell us it was wrong to drink & ride. I had to figure it out by myself through experimentation. Guess this guy hadn't heard yet.
  12. RIP fellow rider. By the grace of god go you & I.
  13. jschaf


    I concur. For me it's all about risk assessment. If I'm out for a real ride I'll wear all the gear. If I'm just putting through the park I've been known to go out with no helmet, tee shirt, regular jeans, & sneakers. In the grand scheme of things I would put the risk of a real ride at somewhat safer than base jumping & the risk of putting around at a little riskier than walking the dog. Just my 2 cents.
  14. Finally, someone that's got more miles to ride to the twisties than me. Welcome.
  15. Welcome to the site.
  16. jschaf


    Don't get a Katana. You'll crash if you ever go near Coshocton. Get the CBR. Welcome to the site.
  17. Thanks. The percentage of homophobes being Penalized for their beliefs is much lower than most of their their expectations.
  18. Guess I'm a needy boy. Anybody renting a garage that they've got space in that I could share cost on? Anybody from anywhere near North Ridgeville got any space on their trailer that I could share cost?
  19. jschaf


    Hope to see your around.
  20. jschaf

    First Impression

    Hang in there my man. You'll do alright.
  21. jschaf


    Glad to hear you all made it back ok if a bit wet. I wouldn't mind seeing some of your video when you get the chance.
  22. jschaf


    Thanks all for the great ride. I only hit a couple small showers on the way home & didn't even have to put the rain gear on. Hope you guys fared as well.
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