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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. jschaf

    Ride 6/9?

    The route I'm thinking of is 83, 541, 79 out & back, 715 out & back to 206, 62, 83. This is a 254 mile route. Off of 62 we could swing back down 60 & back up 83 just north of Coshocton to add 50 miles of curves if we've got time.
  2. Most likely not joining in. We will be riding in the area but have to get back early.
  3. jschaf

    Ride 6/9?

    8 @ Circle K? No meet up with central riders. Sounds good. I will work up a route approximately 300 miles from above mentioned roads tonight.
  4. jschaf

    Ride 6/9?

    I am flexible on this. I'm just guessing that the wait times might get excessive with that group. I just want to get a decent ride in & get home at a reasonable time.
  5. jschaf

    Ride 6/9?

    Total route is 83, 541, 79, 79, 541, 83, 93, 668, 757, 204, 13, 79, 541, 83. That's about 400 miles. I would not mind shortening it up to about 300a miles though.
  6. jschaf

    Ride 6/9?

    Any riders want to meet up at Circle K (routes 82 & 83 near Elyria) tomorrow morning at 8:00 to ride down to Newark & meet up with the central riders for their ride?
  7. I'm a definite maybe. 125 miles to kfc for me. I'll know for sure later today.
  8. Welcome to Ohio Riders.
  9. Welcome to this wild & crazy board.
  10. Chicken strips just aren't my thing. I got me some parrot strips instead.
  11. jschaf

    Parrot Strips

    From the album: Snaps

  12. So improving my line & learning proper body position made me a worse rider. Almost any fool can ride crossed up, pushing the bike down in corners & get rid of those dreaded chicken strips.
  13. I had to check "sometimes I don't wear any protective gear at all" because I like to putt through the metroparks at 30 mph & enjoy the breeze on occasion. Around town & commuting I wear a full face helmet, armored jacket, gauntlet gloves, armored riding pants (90% of the time), & high motocross boots. On spirited rides I wear 1 piece leathers with built in back protector. One piece of protective gear that I always wear but haven't heard anybody mention here is earplugs for the wind noise. It will make you deaf eventually if you don't wear them.
  14. Very sorry for your loss. My thoughts & prayers for you & yours. It was good that you got to spend some time with your dad.
  15. You ride a Honda. You don't need no stinkin' tool kit. That being said, I carry ball end hex keys, phillips & standard screwdrivers, 8, 10, & 12 mm combination wrenches, needle nose pliers, needle nose vise-grips & a tire plug kit + tie-wraps, bungee cords, & duct tape. Don't forget the first aid kit Doc.
  16. The willingness of dealerships to negotiate has more to do with their business model than whether they are assholes or not. High volume dealers such as Honda East make their money selling a large number of bikes for a low profit margin. Most small local dealerships are content selling a smaller number of bikes for a high profit to loyal customers. There is one born every minute according to P T Barnum.
  17. I'm thinking Motard. Ducati 796 or similar.
  18. Jeez, how long are your legs? My 250r seems roomy to me & I'm 6'2" with a 34" inseam. I guess it's all relative. You will find that a given bike feels quite a bit different when you ride it vs. Just sitting on it. I prefer sport bikes because the riding position allows more precise control. Hope you find something to your liking. It's a wise decision to take the MSF course.
  19. No thanks...for all reasons stated in the preceding posts. I'd rather ride than pose.
  20. Up to 07 only. Didn't realize the specs had changed.
  21. Harbor freight has a long handled one that works great with stainless steel rivets. I paid $19.95 for mine. I'd let you use it but I'm on the other side of the state.
  22. Welcome to the board where you'll never get bored.
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