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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. Can't wait! 24 hours till i'm at the Iron Pony!
  2. Yeah, uh, do a little research on Chickon2 before saying that. I haven't even met her and figured it out.
  3. Don't get all emotional on me you bastard. I can't take it, I just can't take it!!!!
  4. THIS SITE IS THE ANTICHRIST OF PRODUCTIVITY!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  5. Sorry, I had to. Take note, that's my only ribbing I've given you about Kay.
  6. That doesn't mean you're above everything, and that definitely doesn't mean shit.
  7. When you say it that way it sounds hilarious! But Obama should still STFU. He's losing credibility with stunts like this. I laugh when I hear some people saying that they want their vote back, lolz!
  8. Doesn't change my opinon at all. Gates was being an asshole. Got what he deserved.
  9. I am laughing at your misfortune.
  10. I call dibs on a spot in the first group! Don't wanna be in the 2nd group and deal with LEOs after attention has been brought from the 1st group. Lol
  11. I've got a buddy that has this shirt. On the front it says, "Keepin' it real." And has the square root of one with a big prohibited sign over it. Ghey, I know.
  12. Hey, get back in that thread! And don't come out until you can stop interjecting mathematical logic into this forum.
  13. Spelled out: E to the power of i (imaginary number) multiplied by pi (as in 3.14) = -1 Did I get that right? I can't look at the equation and type on the blackberry at the same time.
  14. He answered the door and they asked for ID. How fucking hard is it to just produce some identification. How the hell do you turn that situation racial?
  15. Don't worry about her. She just doesn't understand. Any woman that can drive stick or ride a bike is hawt in my book.
  16. If by tits, you mean stripper boots then yes. Those look like some dominatrix items right there.
  17. OMG, I can't wait! Don want to ride!
  18. Funny you say that, I was doing that for a bit (minus the purse part) because I hate riding in work shoes, but it got to be too much of a hassle so I gave up. I still prefer to only ride in my Sidis. Race boots are tits!
  19. +1 rode to work as well. Touched a dress shoe down too. Whoops! Lol Meh, scuffs add character.
  20. That would be none other than the great RSVDon. .....my phone deleted my name while editing the wording, doh!
  21. I'm reserving myself for Coshocton this weekend, lol. You're right though, not many groups running around. Just lots of solo bikes. As nice as it is just worrying about yourself, I think it's more fun to ride of a small group of people, like 4 or so.
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