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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Okay, I found this site a few months ago, www.lastpass.com. After reading up on reviews I decided to try it and have been using it ever since. By using ONE password, you can automatically log in to all your sites. When you open your browser, you log into last pass. Then you go open ORDN and it will automatically fill in your username and password and log you in. You can set it up to auto fill or prompt, whichever you prefer.

    You can also store your credit card numbers and use it to automatically fill forms (name, address, phone, etc).



    All of your data is encrypted locally on your PC, only YOU can unlock it. I personally don't use it for any sensitive information, just email, ORDN, youtube, yada, yada. They also offer one-time passwords. If you go to an internet cafe you can use one of these that you generated at home and log on at the cafe. After the one time use, that password is no longer good. There is a bunch of features with this, so browse the site to find more out. They have videos also to explain how to use it.


  2. Reading some other sources on this... I'll throw this into the mix:

    What if the girl is Eastern European? Maybe that's acceptable over there? Especially with the overpopulation of dogs. Does that make it ok? Or, is it never ok for someone to have different cultural values than you?

    I'm not going to watch the video because it will piss me off. But isn't that where they like to do the kitty smashing too? Hot girls with high heels stepping on little kittens?

  3. shot placement yes. type of round ,no. 9mm with the black talons wont do as much damage as a fmj fitty cal..

    50 caliber? Really? That isn't even relevant or realistic. A 120mm round from an M1A1 MBT will do more damage than a 50 cal. Isn't relevant though.

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