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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. How do the sensors work? What triggers the airbag? I'm just wondering if like a nasty pothole could set it off and send you flying off the bike?

    I'd imagine it would be like the impact sensor on cars. It gets crushed, bag blows. Not like a gyroscope or something. My worry is if you low side and then hit something head on, could this be worsened by the air bag blowing? Or doing a stoppie and flip it? Too many variables I think.

  2. Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous two-year period. License Status as of 04/08/2010: VALID ENDORSEMENTS: MOTORCYCLE RESTRICTIONS: NONE ***************ACCIDENTS************** A1 ACCIDENT DATE: 10/29/2009 COUNTY: CRAWFORD BMV CASE: 98173466 ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** WTF AN ACCIDENT??? I don't remember that!

    Were you drinking too? :p

  3. Im signed up for the advanced MSF course....hopefully that will help.....

    Got my bill for insurance on both the bikes full coverage would $1800 for this year (MAX coverage +25k medical...thus why Im dropping collision. Hopefully liability will be around $600 for both bikes. Progressive.

    Yea my record is crappy---8 points right now.

    Nationwide wanted 8k for full coverage, Gieco wouldn't touch me, and all the State farm agents I've talked to say they wont insure JUST motorcycles.

    I am taking the Advanced Riders Course as well and my insurance company said I won't get another discount for it. I don't know if other insurance companies do though.

  4. I think we should ban all mayors.

    Hmm, you might be on to something.

    I guess we should ban all cars, since it's the cars fault, not the drunk driver!

    We should ban breathing, everyone that dies has a history of breathing just prior to their death.

    Like I've said before.

    Guns kill people the same as keyboards cause spelling errors.

    Guns are not weapons. Guns are a tool. Just like a screwdriver or hammer. All three are capable of ending a life. But yes, I agree with you Likwid.

    I once saw a bumper sticker that read something to the effect of "Blaming guns for Columbine is like blaming the spoon for Rosie's fat ass".

    That's fricking awesome.

    My favorite: Guns kill people and I own guns. So, stop fucking with me.


  5. Good answer IP.

    I was in a wreck one time where my airbag went off. Between that and my seatbelt, they kept me from eating the steering wheel or windshield. I'm fine with them in cages. Bikes on the other hand, I think they could do a lot more damage than help. Not every wreck is a head on collision. I dunno tho...

  6. I get a little kick back, but I told them about Ohio Riders people and are willing to work out some good deals. It doesn't matter to me if i get the discounts or not because my policy is pretty sweet to begin with... im more out to hook up some fellow riders since i cant stand insurance fraud and people who dont have it :) now go change your policy ;):);)

    Well if they can do better than $99 a year full coverage on my bike I might check them out.

  7. Oh cool! When you talk to him (or Nathan - the young guy in the office) let them know I referred you. Just say Julie with the CBR1000RR and they should know. :) I bug them a lot

    You get discounts for referrals? :p

  8. I think that's shit that some of you guys got tickets for just 4mph OVER??!! That cop was a dick! Most people stay within 5 of speed limit. Limit 35 and to give a ticket from 36,37,38,39 is crap.


    you got it buddy. I was doing a whoolie actually and got busted. Got an attorney and it got reduced from Wreckless Op to 0 points 4mph speeding.


    OFF. DATE: 04/18/2009 CONV. DATE: 06/03/2009 POINTS: 00


    039 MPH IN A 35 MPH ZONE

    Did you haggle with the prosecutor and have it reduced as well?

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