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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Confirmed Mission

    SrA Christopher Blair St. John, 27

    Maineville, Ohio

    US Air Force

    Active Duty

    Veteran of the Global War on Terrorism


    Montgomery Community Church

    11251 Montgomery Road

    Cincinnati, Ohio 45249

    Visitation: 1100hrs-(11 AM )

    Services: 1230hrs- ( 12:30PM)


    Montgomery Community Church

    10 April 2010@ 0930hrs-(9:30 AM)

    Directions :

    http://chenurl.com/hu (21 characters, Go »)


    We will escort SrA Christopher St. John back

    to the Funeral Home after the Services

    District # 7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions and dress per the weather conditions. Remember your 3' x 5' American Flags.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard

  2. Confirmed Mission

    CPL Scott J. Baker, 51

    Napoleon, Ohio

    US Army

    Cold War Veteran


    Walker Mortuary Inc.

    333 West Main Street

    Napoleon, Ohio 43545

    07 April 2010@ 1400-2100hrs- (2-9 PM )


    Walker Mortuary

    07 April 2010@ 1300hrs - (1 PM)


    Emanuel Lutheran Church

    810 Scott Street

    Napoleon, Ohio 43545

    08 April 2010@1100hrs- (11 AM)


    Emanuel Lutheran Church

    08 April 2010@1000hrs-(10 AM)


    Forest Hill Cemetery

    Following the Services

    District # 1 Captain Jon Williams is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect, please follow his instructions. This is a very long visitation so please relieve your fellow Patriots on the flag line.

    Remember to bring your 3'x5' American Flags. Dress per the weather conditions.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  3. Aww man, sorry to hear this. It will get easier to deal with over time. Remember the good times. I have had several dogs and cats over the years and I cried each time they passed. The night before I had to put down my shepard/huskey mix ( named Jake), I made 2 large steaks, one for me and one for Jake. I sat with him on the floor and we both had steak and beer. I figured the beer would not do any harm. So even now, I still get a bit choked up when i hear that older country song called "Feed Jake".

    I'm with Kawi, that is a tear jerker. It's funny though, my wife and I were just talking about giving her some good people food. She's never been aloud to have any. A steak sounds like a good idea.

  4. o come on am i that predictable?

    Well, you were the first one to notice the tags, then Likwid said he didn't do it. I put 2 and 2 together. :lol:

    Sometimes I really love this forum :) Great comedic value and really smart/experienced people.

    Now I gotta go get some prep h and alcohol swabs.

    :eek: Wasn't there a thread around here about guys shaving other guys balls? Maybe you could get hooked up?

  5. Went to my parents to chat with them after work. My dog Dusty stays there because I can't have pets at the apartment and don't have enough time to take care of her. Well she has had a limp for awhile now and it's getting worse. My mom took her to the vet to have some x-rays done and found out she has bone cancer. It's eaten away to the point where she could easily break her leg. She's about 12 years old which is really pretty good for a golden retriever. Also has cocker spaniel and chow in her. So this weekend I'm gonna bring her home so I can say my good byes and plan on getting lots of pictures of her and my daughter. Probably next week we will put her down. I still remember about 11 or so years ago going to the pound to find a dog. She just sat there and shook her body, she was that happy. Didn't bark once. I knew immediately she was the dog for me. That's one thing I keep thinking about, how we rescued her and gave her a much better life. She's had a great life and and been a wonderful friend.:(:(:(

    Edit, sorry for the large pictures.




  6. Woo-hoo! :D

    I think what most people are missing here is the information dependencies. I don't post my license plate because I don't need to make it easier.

    Finding information on people is stupid easy if you know what you're doing, but I'm not worried about those people, I'm worried about not making it stupid easy for average joe.

    Given your username it's relatively easy to figure out someone's name and county

    which is enough to give you their address own or rent

    which is enough to figure out the vehicles that are registered at that address

    It's the same thing as locking the doors on your home... yes, someone determined enough will get in, but do you really want to make it that easy?

    Edit: reading back I'm saying a lot of the same stuff as JRM in post #43

    Yeah that's all I was saying too, I think you just typed it out better. :D

  7. I remember hearing about this guy that had "No Plate" on his plate. Well he kept getting tickets in the mail for citations states away where he never was. Come to find out when some cops would ticket a vehicle that didn't have plates on it, they would write " No Plate" where it asked for the plate number. They guy got new plates.

  8. I don't bother because I have nothing to hide. And if someone wants to know something all they have to do is ask. They'll find out more about me from my name and the right county vs. my plate #. If they want to use my bike for a CL scam or call it theirs (not likely since it's a dike bike) so be it. What am I going to do? Not a damn thing. Plus I don't like to use photo shop.

    I don't volunteer info they don't need, because I have nothing to hide.

  9. Looking up plate info for personal use is a big no-no and most people you know that "could" wouldn't do it for you even if you asked. If they valued their job anyway.

    So? What about the cops doing 150mph on their bikes' date=' they new that was a big no-no too.

    I won't go into details, but plate information isn't just used to find out who people are, it works both ways. There are also ways to find that out without LEOs or PI's.

    It's a big no-no to do a lot of things too, doesn't stop people.

    "It's only illegal if you get caught."

    It's only takes a minute to white out your plate. If doing that a million times stops a person from using my plate info in a way I don't like just one time, it was worth it to me.

    You hear about facebook profiles that don't have the friends only security enabled and people list their full names, children's names and pix, work schedule. Just follow me around for a day and you could get all that information, doesn't mean I want to make it public for Mr. Robber or Mr. Sex Offender to have.

  10. I do it, usually, because I don't want to to put that info out there even more, the internet gets around more than my vehicle. Sure you could follow me and get my plate but I just try to limit exposure, and I'm not doing anything illegal.

    On a side not, I make sure any pictures I post of firearms don't have the serial number showing. Simply because I don't trust big brother.

    Of course the pictures I just posted of my bike have my plate showing, so you can see it's not a big deal to me.

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