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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Yeah. We deposit our paychecks at home via our scanner. We;ve done this forever. Then one day we deposited our checks and they put a 7 day hold on it. My wife called and they said it's always been their policy to hold checks more than like 200 bucks. Well after fighting with them they finally took the hold off. They have never held them before.

    And they will call not stop asking for a payment on the credit card when its been paid or when it has already been okayed to pay in a couple days. They don't note anything in their systems so when a rep pulles our file it briefs them on what's going on.

    They have just become more difficult to deal with. Plus I also want a bank I can walk into, most likely switching to a credit union soon.

  2. I have Geico now and am satisfied. Fairly cheap. But will probably switch to USAA come June.

    I have USAA right now for other stuff, banking and car loan. Used to have their insurance but we got better rates elsewhere for the cars. And I am fed up with USAA fucking with me.

  3. Good Evening All,

    As all of you are by now aware, there is an ongoing mining tragedy in Montcoal, WV with the greatest loss of life in a mining accident in this country in more than a quarter of a century.

    While all of us grieve for those who have lost loved ones and those whose loved ones have yet to be located, I am sending this to each member asking that you please keep your emotions in check.

    There have been reports of certain factions that have already arrived in the Montcoal area for the express purpose of distributing literature applauding the fate of our miners and, while our initial reaction is to go to the area to protect the families, we must stay away. Any action by you could seriously jeopardize the Patriot Guard Riders 501.c.3 status with the Federal government as well as be playing directly into their hands.

    At the appropriate time, with the proper invitation from the families, providing it follows our Mission Statement, then and only then will the PGR make their presence known.

    I thank each of you for exercising restraint in this matter and thank you for what you do.

    Please remember to keep the families of those lost miners in your thoughts and prayers, as well as those on the rescue teams who are fighting against all odds to find those still missing.



    Joe Cumblidge

    WV State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  4. Nope for passing on the right of a vehicle turning left. I went wide and rode over the parking only lines on Detroit Rd. Over line = ticket I guess. Total B/S ticket, there was no parked cars on the road.

    I've done that quite a few times. One time I was brave and split a car turning right and a car in the lane coming towards me. Never do that one again.

  5. My points fell off while I was in Iraq in 05. A speeding and couple wreckless ops. I drive safer now that I have a kid.

    Hmm, say 90% of the vilolations posted are speeding. Imagine that. :D

    Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous two-year period.

    License Status as of 04/07/2010: VALID




  6. :lol: Reminds me of our Shrubby drinking game-- anytime he made up a word, mentioned the big scary 'Terrsts!', mispronounced a real word, or did that weird jaw thing that cokeheads do, we'd take a drink.

    You can pretty much make some kind of drinking game out of anyone who gives a lot of speeches.

    Giuliani was another good one during the '08 campaign season. Anytime he said something about 9/11, do a shot. Given that most of his speeches were "So on 9/11 when I 9/11 and then 9/11'd to 9/11 and went over to....", we were pretty much shitfaced every time he was on tv.

    lol, you are right, you can do it with anyone who gives lots of speeches. I knew some people that did the same thing you did with Bush's speeches.


    This is clever, humorous and provides a solitary moment of joy from listening to any of BO's almost daily egotistical and lengthy speeches.

    Rules for Bullshit Bingo.

    -1. Before Barrack Obama's next televised speech, prepare your "B"Bullshit Bingo" card by drawing a square

    I find that 5" x 5" is a good size -- and dividing it into columns --five across and five down. That will give you 25 1-inch blocks.

    2. Write ALL of the following words/phrases in each block:

    . Restored our reputation

    . Strategic fit

    . Let me be clear

    . Make no mistake

    . Back from the brink

    . Signs of recovery

    . Out of the loop

    . Benchmark

    . Job creation

    . Fiscal restraint

    . Win-win

    . Affordable health care

    . Previous Administration

    . Greed on Wall Street

    . At the end of the day

    . Empower (or empowerment)

    . Touch base

    . Mindset

    . Corporate greed

    . Ballpark

    . Game plan

    . Leverage

    . Inherited as in "I inherited this mess"

    . Relief for working families


    3. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those words/phrases.


    4. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"

    Testimonials from past satisfied "Bullshit Bingo" players:

    "I had been listening to the speech for only five minutes when I won."

    - Jack W., Boston

    "My attention span during speeches has improved dramatically."

    - David D., Florida

    "What a gas! Speeches will never be the same for me after my first win."

    - Bill R., New York City

    "The atmosphere was tense in the last speech as 14 of us waited for the fifth box."

    - Ben G., Denver

    "The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed "BULLSHIT!" for the third time in two hours."

    - Harry A, Chantilly , VA

    "This is the most fun I have ever had with my pants up!"

    - Robert H. Portland

  8. I did not want to thread jack, but though I could share my experience to help you with yours. If I can figure out where Pataskala, OH is, I'll buy ya a beer. Or if you will be at the Roll on Columbus event, I'll meet you there.

    No, you didn't thread jack, it's cool. I just balled my eyes out listening to that song though, specifically the part I quoted. I really like that song.

    Yeah, I'm should be at Roll on Columbus,

  9. Wow Scott

    Now I lay me down to sleep...

    I pray the Lord my soul to keep...

    If I die before I wake... feed Jake...

    He's been a good dog...

    My best friend right through it all...

    If I die before I wake...feed Jake...

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