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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. I'm thinking this is right up there with the original post for unusual sports...horse dancing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKQgTiqhPbw
  2. lol thanks What branch? Any job in mind? Thanks, always.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS0s803o7UY
  4. Seriously? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEWTTt_gb7s
  5. Yesterday I swore in to the Army Reserves for 6 years although I plan on either going back active or maybe Active Guard Reserve (full time reserve) in about a year-ish. I was able to get an MP slot which is what I wanted. The other options were mechanics or admin type stuff, none of which appealed to me at all. Even better is I was able to be put into an E5 slot so after school I should be promoted. Spent all yesterday at the Military Entrance Processing Station, probably about 20-30 others that were enlisting as well. I was the only prior service and soon I had a bunch of 17-20 year olds asking me what to expect in basic training, military life in general and how MEPS was when I went through it 9 years ago. It was quite funny but made me feel a bit old. lol It was a long day but definitely a great one. I'm happy to finally be back in and on my way.
  6. Weird, I couldn't see it last night but now I do. Lol And I have no clue as to the reasoning behind it.
  7. My pic didn't show up on my previous post.
  8. Unless he had the gun in a jacket pocket, pointed to the rear and not in a pocket holster.
  9. I'm going Wednesday to enlist in the Reserves, assuming the offer me a job I want. Recruiter said I'll probably be in the Reserves about a year until they will release me back active duty, they want to get their money's worth out of me. Gives me time to get all my affairs in order before I get stationed somewhere.
  10. Hmm. Seeing as it killed her, probably was wearing a shoulder holster and the gun was pointed backwards. Her hand may have gotten on the gun but not sure how she would have fired it. Trigger would have been inside the holster...weird
  11. Was out there when I was 16. Stayed with my aunt and uncle. Great time, great view.
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,526590,00.html Gotta get these. Can never be too safe.
  13. And yet people fall for scams like this a lot.
  14. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/07/entire-san-diego-fireworks-show-exploded-in-15-seconds-ruining-show.html
  15. I like that explanation, well said. Anyways, to the OP, we're all fucked. No common sense, no personal responsibility, no selfless service, no one is "wrong", can't get your feelings hurt, get a trophy just for trying, affirmative action, reverse racism, person A can't do something because it might hurt person B's feelings, but we'll go overboard and make person B get all the special treatment and who gives a fuck about person A anymore, we're teaching our kids to be victims, it's never the kid's fault but the mean teacher cuz MY kid would never do such a thing, the dollar is nearly worthless but at it's peak of corruption, we cater to the stupid and lazy, welfare pays for drugs but don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by making the recipient take responsibility, it's the cop's fault they got a ticket for breaking the law, it's okay to burn one book but not another book, it's okay for one person to use a racial slur but not for okay for another person to use the same slur, it's AEP's fault our power went out and we're too worried about ME instead of how that worker is doing 16 hours a day and came from another state to HELP you, the burger is supposed to be "made your way" so let's go off the deep end when they screw it up, IF someone asks a stranger "how are you doing?", they really don't care how your day went, 6000 friends on facebook is more important than 3 really good friends, it's okay for their son to fight for our country but my son should never do it, kid's can't play outside until the lights come on, all while out of their parent's sight and without a cell phone, 12 year olds are sending thousands of texts a month, 10 year olds are smoking, drinking, getting pregnant but let's coddle them, it's not their fault, we can't spank our kids or yell at them in public because someone will call children services, minorities want to be treated the same and get the same benefits but want special treatment when they can't hack it, we automatically assume the worst in someone before even getting to know them or the entire story, schools attempted to allow kids to buy better grades, why can't we all just be Americans instead of African American, Irish American, Mexican American, why must you be defined as a person by your sexual orientation, where did "treat others as you want to be treated" go ...............?????????? yeah. We're creating a country based that only cares about "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME" Maybe one day we'll decide to wake up and change for the better.
  16. Spilled stuff on my Toshiba laptops before. Never an issue. Hell my old one made it through a year in Iraq. Win!
  17. Yuck. Better the truck than your house though.
  18. Cabelas ads 150 years ago...bet those were interesting. Lol
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