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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. True story: 30-ish years ago, at age 12 or 13, pop took me to the only skateboard park in central ohio, down on Coonpath Road just north of Lancaster.

    Mid-summer, no trees, 5 or 6 Cokes later, nature calls.

    I wander out to the edge of the property, there's a fence.

    It's humming, but that doesn't set off any alarms in my brain.

    Summers on the grandparent's farm taught me nothing about electric fences - they didn't have any - Mennonite.

    Start going, of course gotta try to hit the fence, right?

    A <strong> tingling/throbbing sensation is felt in my nether regions.

    Not entirely unpleasant, but not super fun, either.

    Figured out pretty quickly what was going on and adjusted my aim.

    Haven't done it since. I might be dumb, but I'm not stupid.

    lol nice. But can you fart and turn on the TV??

  2. Dayton National Cemetery

    Wreaths Across America


    Dayton National Cemetery

    4100 West 3rd Street

    Dayton, Ohio 45428

    12 December 2009@1200hrs-(12:00PM)


    Cemetery Administration Building

    3rd Street and Wisconsin Avenue

    Dayton, Ohio 45428

    12 December 2009@0900hrs-(9:00AM)

    We will be helping the Civil Air Patrol place the wreaths on the graves.

    District #7 Ride Captain Clarence “CJ” Spencer is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions and bring your 3x5 American Flags. We will be placing the wreaths at approximately 0930hrs on the graves. At 1200hrs the Main Wreath Laying Ceremony will take place. We will stand with the buglers on one side or if we have enough people we will put one on each side of the buglers depending on how many buglers there are.

    If there is inclement weather please use your own discretion on how you get safely to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard

  3. Updated 26 NOV 09 635 edt Pattie

    Harry Moore US Army veteran of Korea

    Malloy-Schleiffer Funeral Home

    915 Kennedy Ave

    Duquesne Pa,15110

    Fri Nov 27, 2009


    Parking lot to left of funeral home

    9:30 AM

    Blessing at funeral home at 10:30 AM

    Mass at Holy Name Church at 11:00 AM

    32 5th St

    Duquesne Pa 15110

    We will then proceed to the cemetary for interment


    The PGR has been invited to pay honors and respect to USA Korea Veteran/EMT Harry Moore, 77, Duquesne, PA who died in the line of duty of an heart attack while responding to an emergency call.

    We will not be providing a flag line for visitations.

    We will participate in flaglines and escorts as follows:

    On Friday, November 27, 2009 at 10:30 AM there will be a blessing conducted at the Malloy-Schleifer Funeral Home, 915 Kennedy Avenue, Duquesne, PA 15110.

    We will escort Mr. Moore to Holy Name Church , 32 South First Street, Duquesne, PA 15110 for a 11:00 AM mass. After the mass we will escort Mr. Moore to his final resting place at Penn Lincoln Memorial Park, 14679 Route 30, North Huntington, PA 15642

    Details are still being worked out, please follow this thread for all updated information.

    RCIC: Jay Goodman ffgoodman@gmail.com

    Ralph A. DeLorme

    Western PA PGR Veterans Liaison

    PA PGR RC Region 10


  4. Confirmed Mission

    Cpl Michael Shavorinsky, 87

    Strongsville, Ohio


    USMC WWII Veteran


    Tomon and Sons Funeral Home

    7327 Pearl Road

    Middleburg Heights, Ohio

    29 November 2009@1400-1900hrs-(2:00pm-7:00pm)

    30 November2009@1000hrs-(10:00am)


    Tomon and Sons Funeral Home

    29 November 2009@ 1300hrs-(1:00pm)

    30 November 2009@0900hrs-(9:00am)

    Escort to Church after Visitation on 30 November 2009


    St Andrews Ukranian Church

    7700 Hoertz Road

    Parma, Ohio 44134

    30 November 2009@1100hrs-(11:00am)


    St Andrews Ukranian Church

    District #3 Captain Ralph Bago is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions and remember your 3x5 American Flags. In the event of inclement weather please get to the mission the safest way you can. Dress per the weather conditions.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  5. Possibly - IF he was on the throttle when he released the brake.

    Of course, then the high side would have been caused by letting OFF the brakes, not locking them up.

    Typically, a high side is caused when the rear wheel breaks traction by spinning up. When you chop the throttle the spinning stops, and the bike wants to stand back up. When the bike stands up, it spits you over the side.

    What likely happened in this instance was too much rear brake. When he got the bike sideways (from the rear being locked) he let off the brakes. Once that happens, the bike wants to go straight again, and it spit him off.

    Right, that is what I had figured happened. Not the fact that hit the brake threw him off but when he let off of it.

  6. No' date=' but if someone is trying to rob me without a gun I'll still draw on them. At that point they have a few choices. They can lie down on the ground like I tell them to, they can turn and run out the door, or they can charge me and get shot to death. Just because someone isn't armed with a gun doesn't mean they can walk out the door with someone's money/property. They will only be shot if they choose to be shot. The choice is solely on their shoulders.[/quote']

    But see now you say they charge you and get shot. There is your deadly force. You didn't shoot them to protect property, you shot them to protect your life which is fine. Pulling a weapon is not deadly force. Shooting them is.

  7. Castle Doctrine

    Under certain changes enacted in 2008, a person does not have a duty

    to retreat from the residence that they lawfully occupy before using force

    in self-defense or defense of another. Additionally, there is no duty to

    retreat if the person is lawfully in that person’s vehicle or lawfully is an

    occupant in a vehicle owned by an immediate family member of that

    person. However, being a lawful occupant of a residence or vehicle is

    not a license to use deadly force against an attacker. The person who is

    attacked, without fault of his own, may use deadly force only if he reasonably

    and honestly believed that deadly force was necessary to prevent

    serious bodily harm or death. If the person does not have this belief, he

    should not use deadly force. Again, if it does not put your life or the life

    of others in danger, you should withdraw from the confrontation if it is

    safe for you to do so.

  8. and if he gets robbed and i bust a cap in the fucker, you think he'd still press charges?:eek:
    You CANNOT use deadly force to protect property. Now if the robber had a gun pointed to his head, then you would be able to use deadly force. But If I were in an establishment while CC'ing where they posted a CPZ sign, then I don't know if I would shoot to protect him. One side of me says it would be the right thing to do, the other says he gave up the opprotunity to be protected, or actually took the opprotunity to be unprotected, so why would I want to risk taking punishment for him? Free (mostly) right?
    I disagree. If someone enters an establishment with enough gumption to rob it at gunpoint I have no reason to believe they don't have the balls to shoot someone. Eliminate the threat before an innocent person gets shot/killed.

    First of all' date=' he never said he robbed it at gun point. This is from the Ohio CCW Handbook.


    In Ohio, deadly force can be used only to prevent serious bodily harm

    or death. Deadly force can never be used to protect property only. Depending on the specific facts and circumstances of the situation, use of

    deadly force may lead to criminal charges and/or civil liability."

    My whole point was he needs to be sure the store owner was in danger of his life, then yes it's ok to use deadly force. But as his scenario stated he was only being robbed, not being a threat to life, especially not at gun point. That being said, how many people try to rob a place without a weapon? Not too many but it does happen and you need to be fully aware of the situation AND the threat at hand.

  9. while i agree with you, for the devil's advocate in me: is it more shitty for him to deny me my interpretation of my constitutional rights? and if he gets robbed and i bust a cap in the fucker, you think he'd still press charges?:eek:

    You CANNOT use deadly force to protect property. Now if the robber had a gun pointed to his head, then you would be able to use deadly force. But If I were in an establishment while CC'ing where they posted a CPZ sign, then I don't know if I would shoot to protect him. One side of me says it would be the right thing to do, the other says he gave up the opprotunity to be protected, or actually took the opprotunity to be unprotected, so why would I want to risk taking punishment for him? Free (mostly) right?

  10. I gave up on OFCC for anything but information though... more paranoid radical conservatives than in Texas

    No I am just there for info too. I'm not getting into rubbing elbows, just info and personal experience with what happened to people.

  11. I have been lurking on most of the gun topic threads. As a guy from the burbs, I never really thought about firearms. Currently thinking about taking a course to get a CC license. From the very little bit i read, it seems OC is a lot less of a hassle with laws then CC. A friend of mine always CC, but I dont know that i feel "safer" when we are out. I also don't feel any less safe because I do not carry.

    So, until I can learn more about the laws for CC and OC, I cant say what is better, CC or OC.

    Put me in the "gun-curious" catagory.

    OC can be a hassle when it comes to the public and LEO's seeing your firearm. CC, no one knows but you need to be careful where you go.

    You from Bedford PA?

  12. Dang, usually the ones I have are part 1 and 2... either way, Part 2 is where the LEO starts talking so I can see people wanting to skip to that.

    Yeah I got to the end of the first one, and he started to take questions, then the second one I thought would be the questions, I was like uh...skip...skip.skip...yep same stuff. Actually I really enjoyed the first guy. Both had good info. So If I am confronted by a LEO for OC'ing I should really just STFU. Name, rank, SN. lol

  13. I hear what you're saying' date=' but I've never been confronted by an officer in a negative capacity while OC'ing. Most people don't even notice, except for one shift manager at Giant Eagle. Whew.. that was an interesting afternoon. :lol:[/quote']

    Ok, there's a story. I wanna hear it lol. Mainly because I got my holster tonight and am thinking about OC'ing some time.

    Watch them both, every minute of them.

    Really interesting vid, watched every minute. The second video was just the second half of the first though. ::confused:

  14. So I better keep my grill shut and buy all my guns first!

    To be honest, yes. Buy your guns from private party, and don't post that you own any. I'm still unsure if I should really get my CCW. That puts me on a list I might not want to be on. But, I still will and when they try to take them away from me like they did in the UK, well things could get ugly.

  15. Were you given a reason for the "delay"?

    You see the government (read Obama and Czars) keeps tabs on the internet forums. With all of Todd's conservative posts, they have red flagged him as a threat to their socialist agenda. :D

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