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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. there are "usually" two adjusting nuts near your ignition cover. if its not there (it should be since its a yamaha) then just follow your line until you find something along the lines of two nuts (... :p)

    these are your "major" adjustments, these will get you in the ballpark of where you're supposed to be.

    the dial by the lever is your "minor" adjustment, this is how you fine tune to get it exactly where you are supposed to be.

    both these major and minor adjustments will add up to a full adjustment.

    Oh, yeah I knew about those . Didn't think about that being a full adj. Thanks though.


    Do yourself a favor and do the full clutch adjustment, don't just adjust the cable slack with the adjuster up by the clutch lever.... read your manual and do a full adjustment, just did mine yesterday and GOD it's sexy. It's something that you are suppose to do every 4k miles/12 months so my guess is your due for one anyways (since most people never do it)... it'll make things so much nicer.

    How do you do that? I haven't read anything in my manual about a "full" adjustment.


    Welcome Home

    SP/4 Alex Eubanks

    Dublin, Ohio

    US Army

    Veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom


    Appointed to West Point


    Giant Eagle

    6700 Perimeter Loop Road

    Dublin, Ohio 43017

    25 November 2009@1850hrs-(6:50pm)


    Giant Eagle

    25 November 2009@1830hrs-(6:30pm)


    District #5 Ride Captain John Perry is assigned to welcome home mission. Please be at the staging area on time and make sure you dress per the weather conditions and bring your 3x5 American Flags. Due to inclement weather please use your own judgment on how you get to the mission. We will be escorting Alex to his family’s home which is not far from the Staging Area. Upon Alex’s return from serving in Afghanistan he was appointed to West Point for Officer’s School where he is in his second year please be there to welcome Home Cadet Eubanks.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  4. Confirmed Mission

    SSgt Derek Gibson, 24

    Riverside, Ohio

    USAF 445th Air Lift Wing

    Wright-Patterson Air Force Base


    Died 15 November 2009


    Dayspring Church of God

    1060 Smiley Road

    Forest Park, Ohio 45240

    19 November 2009@1800-2000hrs-(6:00PM-8:00PM)


    Dayspring Church of God

    19 November 2009@1700hrs – (5:00PM)


    Dayspring Church of God

    20 November 2009@1000hrs-(10:00AM) Visitation

    20 November 2009@1100hrs-(11:00AM) Services Start


    Dayspring Church of God

    20 November 2009@ 0900hrs-(9:00AM)


    Dayton National Cemetery

    District #7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions. Make sure to bring your 3x5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. Due to inclement weather please use your own judgment on how to get to the mission.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  5. Next time, we disagree over beers... and drink until we agree we're drunk.

    Well, I haven't been on here long enough to really understand you, and I know you like to play devil's advocate, and as much as you can really piss me off lol,I'll have a beer with you anyday.

  6. I am pretty sure this thread has run it's course. I don't think anyone change anyone's minds much on anything, but I do want to say thank you to everyone that has been so involved but more so for the fact that it was kept civil for the most part. I know I have taken info from this. It is nice to see that even poeple that disagree on OR can debate in a friendly matter and not have the thread moved to the Drama Queens section.

    JRMiii, Aerik, Kosmo, since I think you three were the most vocal in disagreeing with me and Alab32 (w/o backtracking in the thread), :cheers:.

  7. Confirmed Mission

    SGT Ernest Zimmerman, 40

    Saint Marys, Ohio

    US Army Active Duty



    Miller Long & Folk Funeral Home

    314 West High Street

    Saint Marys, Ohio 45885

    18 November 2009@ 1400-1600hrs & 1800hrs-2000hrs

    (2:00pm-4:00pm & 6:00pm-8:00pm)


    Miller Long & Folk Funeral Home

    18 November 2009@ 1300hrs-(1:00pm)


    Holy Rosary Catholic Church

    511 East Spring Street

    Saint Marys, Ohio 45885

    19 November 2009@ 1100hrs-(11:00am)


    Miller Long & Folk Funeral Home

    19 November 2009@ 0930hrs-(9:30am) this is for the Escort to the Church


    Holy Rosary Catholic Church

    19 November 2009@0930hrs-(9:30am) if your not riding in the Escort


    Dayton National Cemetery

    Dayton, Ohio


    There will be a luncheon following the services at the Church before leaving for Dayton National Cemetery.

    District #7 Ride Captains Ron Johnson (Visitation) and Clarence “CJ” Spencer (Services) are in charge of this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow their instructions. Please make sure you fuel up and remember to bring your 3x5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. In case of inclement weather please car pool if you choose not to ride.

    Bob woods

    Ohio State Captain

  8. pop it into the engine side first. Mine had a spring on that side, release the spring so you can get all the slack. The slip it into your lever. You might have to turn the adjustment screw in or out to get it in. Put the little metal piece at the end in first and rotate the cable into its groove. Hook your spring back up, tighten and adjust. You should be good to go. Hope this helps. I just did mine a couple of months ago after it broke and took about 10mins in my parking lot. GL

  9. There are some pretty glaring differences from the yarn I spun and the US ROE as I (a civilian) understand them to be. The one that comes out first is the willingness of the Soviets to use -slam against the enemy soldiers. If you truly "don't give a fuck about what the world thinks", this is the reasoable and proper way, IMHO, to fight an unreasonable and improper religious threat. Take the only thing they believe and turn it against them. However, if we actually attempted to implement this, the ME would be in an UPROAR.

    Also, if memory serves, Afghanistan was not the aggressor when the Soviets invaded. Not in front of a PC to look that up, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

    I am in no way saying to go out and slaughter them for the fun of it. But it shows that by standing up, they stopped being attacked so often.

  10. You may see this as a flip-flop on my position, but there was a little story on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan that I thought was interesting. Before everyone goes all source-happy on me, no, I don't have any, and a quick Google isn't turning up much either. For all I know, this could be bullshit but it raises a good point.

    Apparently during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, a squad of Soviet soldiers had sporadic skirmishes with a band of Afghans. During one skirmish, the Soviet squad was able to capture a handful of Afghans. After the Soviets disarmed and restrained the soldiers, and in full view of the captured Afghans, the Soviets dipped their rounds in pig blood and began to execute every soldier save for one, who was released unarmed to return to his camp. The skirmishes on the squad stopped.

    Hmm, sounds a lot like our situation now. They attacked us, we fought back like a mofo, and attacks have dropped off and we are also catching more threats beforehand because now we are more aware of what we are dealing with. Before this we had never fought an unorganized militia with no set order.

    okay teletubbie style:

    US Constition protects the rights of US citizen correct?

    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is not a US citizen correct?

    This wa not an attack against NYC correct?

    It was an attack on the USA correct?

    Military tribunals exist for the purpose of trying POW's and other military correct?

    If we let him be tried in NYC under the US Const. we will set a precident for being soft and allowing a enemy combatant the same rights that he came here to try to ruin.

    A NYC trial will add to the debt by using our tax dollars that are not good enough to give a bonus to soldiers.

    By fighting in the Middle East, we have disrupted the terrorist networks and they connot group together to create another massacre to the likes of 9/11. This is their home territory and by being there, we keep the upper hand to keep them away from us.

    Sure, many that we kill add to those that hate us, but then again, they attacked us. We answered with fire. Had we not done anything do you really think they would not still be hitting us on our home soil? Would they really just stop and say that's good enough for now? If you do you really have no idea of their mentality.

    Go look at the stability of Iraq. It's better now than in 2001. Terrorist have and do use that country as a home base. Now I can only speculate why we went into Iraq first and not Afghanistan, only Bush and his people know all the facts. But it does not change the fact we are there and it has had an effect on our life. Try going through airport secuity with a little pocket knife now, you can't do it. You could before 9/11/01. This attacked has slowly eroded away at our way of life. One liberty here, one there. If you cannot see the basics of this conflict then I feel sorry for you. Make sure to pass on to a soldier not to fight overthere becuase your itty bitty handguns will stop a jetliner crashing into your house.

  11. A lot of people from where? Iraq? The Iraqi people don't speak for the whole of the middle east. I guarantee you, for every 5 people that thanked you, there were at least another 5 that wanted you dead. Of course, they are not going to come up and tell you that to your face in the day time. Sure, there are people there that welcomed you...but you are mistaken if you think Iraqi's and Middle East in general welcomes foreign troops on their sovereign soil. Again..we would not put up with it in our country, why should we expect other people to?

    And yes, some of the people shaking your hand in the day time are plotting to kill you at night.

    C;mon. You guys wanna use "find facts to back up your story" and yet you keep saying stuff like "I guarantee you, for every 5 people that thanked you, there were at least another 5 that wanted you dead." If I can't say " I saw it with my own eyes, you can't say " I guarentee you". So come up with some hard facts now. You all want me to do that, why don't you do the same??

    Don't bring me into the "con vs lib" bullshit. The GC doesn't apply to this shit bag and that's all I'm bringing into this debate. You're back and forth squabbling doesn't concern me.

    Wasn't trying to bring you into anything. I was just saying that by JRMiii's thinking, since you have nothing to back this up, it can't be true, like his bearbox thingie. I know what you said is true, you know its true.

  12. Actually a lot of the people from there do like us. They are just scared to speak out. I saw them come up to us and thanks us for what we have done. When they voted for the first time, they had a higher % then we do for our presidential elections. They cared about the right to have a choice. But you don't hear of all the good becuase of bias media like CNN that won't report it.


    Did you really just comment against my comment also using nothing but anecdotal evidence then saying "please provide resources" when you didn't?

    And as far as providing sources for that, I saw it with my own eyes. It happened.

  13. Geneva Conventions only apply to those that follow the rules. When Al-Qaeda started lopping the heads off of civilian news reporters and using civilian transport as weapons they lost their "rights" under these documents. Due I believe he is owed a trial? I guess so' date=' but I surely don't believe he is owed the benefits of our constitutional rights as an openly sworn enemy of our nation. Part of me wishes that us treating him with respect and due process would change the hearts and minds of our enemies,[b'] but it won't. No matter what we do they will hate us for it. If this is the case he needs to be executed swiftly and harshly. His body need not be paraded about NYC like we're a bunch of fucking neanderthals, but it should be made public how he will be sentenced and punished.

    Our biggest problem thus far is not being harsh enough with our enemies. I've mentioned it before, but not funding them sure would put a damper on their activities.

    Let me answer this for JRMiii. Please provide sourse showing they would still hate us. This is anecdotal.:rolleyes:

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