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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. what difference does it make how he has his gun secured? is it openly visible? is he waving it around like it's the thunderdome? as long as he's not infringing on you, why is it any of your business?

    It is none of my business if he wants to show eveyone that he is a dumbass. Holtsers are made for a reason, to securly keep the weapon on ur body without it falling out, keeps it at a location easy for draw if needed, and they also help keep someone else from grabbing the gun. This just shows how inept he is with firearms. Kind of like the bar shootout in Toledo. No on got hit.

  2. I completely agree with your reasoning. I saw a guy at wal mart the other day (some young doucher looking guy wearing an ed hardy t-shirt and spiked hair) with a 9 mm hand gun tucked between his pants and back with his shirt pulled behind the gun so that it was intentionally clearly visible. All I could come up with was the guy wanted people to see it so they think he's a bad ass or something. He won't be such a bad ass when someone walks right up behind him and takes it before he even knows they are there.

    Gangsta style??


  3. The fact that we have to pay a fee to exercise our constitutional rights as Ohioans pisses me off enough.

    Again' date=' another fine example of how to punish law abiding citizens for not breaking the law. [b']It does nothing to prevent unlawful concealed carry by felons and only inconveniences the good guys.

    That is worth saying again:

    The fact that we have to pay a fee to exercise our constitutional rights as Ohioans pisses me off enough. It does nothing to prevent unlawful concealed carry by felons and only inconveniences the good guys

    SPOT ON!!

  4. You could have your gun in a thigh rig/holster and as soon as you get on your bike it falls under the same laws as any other motor vehicle. You cannot have a loaded firearm in/on a motor vehicle without a CHL. You can't even have loaded magazines in/on without a CHL. Long guns must always be unloaded in/on a vehicle.

    Basically' date=' no permit = no loaded guns in the vehicle. That includes motorcycles.[/quote']

    Yep. even if you put the unload gun locked in your trunk, and a full magazine in the glove box, that IS A LOADED GUN.

    I actually have transported one gun on my bike. In my tail bag, in one zippered pocket I put the clips, in another pocket the ammo and then in the third a disassembled handgun locked in the case.

  5. Better Clarification:

    Motorcycles fall under the definition of motor vehicles. Thus, the same

    requirements apply to licensees who carry a handgun while on a


    If you DO NOT have a

    concealed handgun license, you may not transport a loaded handgun

    in any manner where it is accessible to anyone inside the vehicle

    without leaving the vehicle. If you DO NOT have a license, you may not

    transport a firearm in a vehicle unless it is unloaded and carried in one

    of the following ways:

    • In a closed package, box or case;

    • In a compartment that can be reached only by leaving the vehicle;

    • In plain sight and secured in a rack or holder made for that purpose;


    • If it is a firearm at least twenty four inches in overall length and if

    the barrel is at least eighteen inches in length in plain sight with the

    action open or the handgun stripped, or if the firearm is of a type in

    which the action will not stay open or cannot easily be stripped, in

    plain sight.

    Statutory Reference (s) R.C. 2923.16 (E) governs how licensees may

    transport loaded concealed handguns in motor vehicles.

    R.C. 2923.16 (B) – © governs how firearms must be otherwise transported

    in a vehicle

  6. a motorcycle is a motor vehicle so even if you OC your gun in plain view on a bike, it is considered CC as soon as you get on it.

    Huh? If it's on your back unloaded, of course? what's the deal? yay or nay?..if you strapped it to the bike I see no problem but on your person i'm not sure.

    If it is loaded, it is considered CC is my understanding. If it is unloaded then it is fine. I am trying to find the ORC for this right now to clarify. Maybe Likwid knows more?

    From the AG Handbook:

    A) “Vehicles” means everything on wheels or runners, including motorized bicycles, but does not mean electric personal assistive mobility devices, vehicles that are operated exclusively on rails or tracks or from overhead electric trolley wires, and vehicles that belong to any police department, municipal fire department, or volunteer fire department, or that are used by such a department in the discharge of its functions.

    (B) “Motor vehicle” means any vehicle, including mobile homes and recreational vehicles, that is propelled or drawn by power other than muscular power or power collected from overhead electric trolley wires. “Motor vehicle” does not include utility vehicles as defined in division (VV) of this section, motorized bicycles, road rollers, traction engines, power shovels, power cranes, and other equipment used in construction work and not designed for or employed in general highway transportation, well-drilling machinery, ditch-digging machinery, farm machinery, and trailers that are designed and used exclusively to transport a boat between a place of storage and a marina, or in and around a marina, when drawn or towed on a public road or highway for a distance of no more than ten miles and at a speed of twenty-five miles per hour or less.

  7. So there should be no problem transporting loaded rifleage or shottys on a bike?

    Also can anyone get a CCW or is that just for the "Chosen" ?


    Here are the requirements for a CCW Permit http://www.lcounty.com/sheriff/frmConcealed.aspx

    How long ago did you get out of the military? If within 6 yrs, you dont need to take the class.

    Also, I do believe all long guns must not be loaded, even if you have a CCW. A motorcycle is a motor vehicle so even if you OC your gun in plain view(holster a handgun) on a bike, it is considered CC as soon as you get on it. Unload them on the bike, and expect someone to call the police on you :D

    Back to topic, I believe in OC because it is my right do do so. As soon as a get a holster for mine I might OC. It'll be easier to do with a CCW though because of the motor vehicle laws, see earlier in my post. But I will eventually OC and CC.

  8. That's exactly the press sportbikes need. :nono:

    We go on a witchhunt everytime a cager mows down a biker and then idiots pull stupid stuff like this and set the cause back about 3000 steps.

    Thats exactly right. One rider gives everyone else a bad name. As the cagers see it, one person is a representation of everyone else on two wheels.

  9. sort of, we have the ASIPS (advanced sincgars improvement program) which is like half the size of sincgars, but it fits in the same vehicle mount and operates identically. we also have the harris radio (jack of all trades, usually for commo with air support), the rockwell (used for satcom), and the MBITR.

    food is all contracted and base security is contracted too. mechanics are the biggest trouble, theyre never happy.

    I saw a couple of those ASIPS, didn't know that's what they were called. They looked pretty slick. No contracted FOB security but we had contracted cooks, but out on multiple day missions, our cooks went out too. If you pissed them off, you didn't eat. :D And I was a mechanic so we always worked out drug deals with them, fix their stuff and got free food, energy drinks. Scouts and mortarmen used to hate us stateside but over there they realized that if they didn't treat us right they had to walk, and they didn't like that so they got on our good side.

  10. I've only been able to participate in one mission due to a lot of them happening either during the week or too far away, but I appreciate the mission (no pun intended whatsoever), the idea itself.

    I only wish there were more that I could get to. Actually, I wish there were none; i.e. no fallen soldiers to which to pay tribute, but that's not going to happen...:(

    Please keep the updates coming.

    And how am I supposed to carry a 3' x 5' flag on my bike? How do others carry their flags? Ideas?:confused:

    i read the mission list often looking for one that i can participate in.
    I haven't been able to participate in one yet. As they always fall during work time, or are very far away. But it's nice to see them. I don't always visit the PGR website, but I'm on here daily.

    Awesome, I'm glad to see at least some people are using my updates. I'll continue to take feedback but it looks like I'll keep it going. Thanks guys.

  11. anyone over there ditchin their m9 for a 1911? i've heard of people doin it, but my cuz (army capt.) said personal stuff is a no no.

    In 05 my unit was trying to get the okay from higher to take personal side arms but that got shot down so I think it depends on the unit, mission and what the highers feel is necessary and a calculated risk that is okay to take.

    i know of guys buyin their own shit to put on their guns(ACOGS, PEQ-II, etc.), .

    Yeah thats pretty normal to do. If they military doesn't issue it and you need it/want it, guys will get it.

    My unit was dicked up when it came to our weapons though. Because I was in an M88 (a tracked vehicle difficult to get in and out of) I was supposed to get an M4 and 9mm. Instead we all got a brand new M16A4 with red dot sights, I forget the nomenclature though. Which was a pain in the ass trying to get in and out of the hatch with.

  12. yeah our commo guys were always really busy in Iraq. Fixing SINCGARS, ICOMS, COMMSEC...those guys were always working around the clock it seemed like. Not to mention having to share certain duties like tower guard and all that. If you go to Iraq it really shouldn't be all that bad, it wasn't when I was there in 05. It's set up pretty well over ther now. Just remember to become good friends with your cooks, mechanics and supply. :D

  13. I've only been able to participate in one mission due to a lot of them happening either during the week or too far away, but I appreciate the mission (no pun intended whatsoever), the idea itself.

    I only wish there were more that I could get to. Actually, I wish there were none; i.e. no fallen soldiers to which to pay tribute, but that's not going to happen...:(

    Please keep the updates coming.

    And how am I supposed to carry a 3' x 5' flag on my bike? How do others carry their flags? Ideas?:confused:

    Here's a link for a pole. http://www.flagpoletogo.net/store/product_info.php?cPath=27_21&products_id=28

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