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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Uisng that logic, God gave us the ability to kill one another (not directly, but it is so) does that mean we should? Other than the fact that there is a commandment that say "Thou shalt not kill".
  2. BUT, you are one that is probably never going to be on government assistance. I'm just guessing on this by the work ethic that you appear to have. Careful, there may be some out there that will take you up on this one, for their own enjoyment.... just sayin'...... I think I get what you mean here. I have known some people that function better slightly under the influence of a substance. That is probably their fault for being so dependant on the substnace though. I totally get your point, and connot disagree with you. Take it out of their "benefits" so that THEY are paying for it. Once you start living on my dime, you should be expected to spend that money where it is NEEDED, not on wants.
  3. Don't let that scare you off! I'm going and I'm slow!
  4. So have I, but more for the cage taking off than for the bike!
  5. I was thinking more for wearing when talking to Todd#43!
  6. CS, the gun not being a weapon is a stretch, although I totally agree with your point. I think that instead of banning all guns, we should ban all idiots. It's only idiots that do stupid things, serious enough to get shot, or shoot people for no reason. Buh bye Likwid....
  7. I just don't want to know....
  8. I call lazy, at least on Likwid, seeing his history of doing this.....
  9. Wow! I had been waiting to read this! I saw the video you had posted on FB of the first startup, and from then I was wondering about the details! This gives me some inspiration to get my VF500F back together. I REALLY need to find some new valves.
  10. I should really take a ride on one before bashing them, but I've never really liked them. The "bubblly" shape of the fairings to accomodate the oil/air cooling never appealed to me. That's in combination with the weight issues others have mentioned.
  11. Get out ther with your broom and clean up any gravel that might be encountered, and we'll be fine!
  12. Are you forgetting that I'll be on the tooo fiddy?
  13. Can't argue that one! Not sure it would be worth THAT much though. Maybe you need to get your ass down here to where the real business is? I'm not going to knock on the Iron Pony though, they are great. I bought my tires there, but they were just carry out. I mounted and balanced them myself. Neighbor has a bike shop (Harley stuff) and I went over there to do it. I'm sure I could've used our tire changer to mount them, but we don't have the adaptors for spin balancing bike tires.
  14. About that selective memory.... Anyway, she said whe's not even planning me being here. I still want to get home though for it though, got to stay in good with the step kids.
  15. I might have to cut out a bit early, after getting things squared away, my wife plans a birthday party for 1:00 on that day. Any idea what time the ride would be wrapping up?
  16. I might be able to make out to hooligan-land a few times.
  17. Somehow, I have no trouble believing this.....
  18. Pretty cool app, but not much out my way. It would be cool to have the local PD and the county Sherriff.
  19. I have one thing to say to you: ADT! (Nah, not really, I wouldn't send anyone to them for security anyway)
  20. Maybe another time. 2 words: Monster Trucks! I won them from Casper's thread! Not only does he provide a forum that's entertaining, and occasionally imformative, but he does cool stuff like this once in a while! Jagr knows better, I aligned his wife's car......Twice....
  21. Thief! It was funny, and made good conversation for a few minutes that day at work, anyway.
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