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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Well, that's one theory.... (I knwo I couldn't keep up on either with my slow bikes) Nice one MP, nice one!
  2. Bullet proof? But is it Coshocton Proof?
  3. Or so you think. Steve knows the whereabouts of ALL of his products that are out in the wild. Nice one Justin!
  4. I hope it's not too soon for this: Maybe that's what Moose had on his Kat, that caused him to go down?
  5. Target fixation is a bitch. It's tough to get over, as well. I am BAD about looking at the road when entering a corner, and it's one thing I have been really working hard on correcting. I do a glance down as I approach and scan the surface as I look back up and through the turn. I try to have my quick visual sweep completed by the time I actually begin turning. If any of that makes any sense. Moose, are you looking at new parts, or hitting up fleabay for used? You might see what Cycle search can hook you up with, if not just a contact to get a good deal on something used.
  6. Wouldn't the first burnout done around here. It's not me that you'd ahve to contend with, I just work here!
  7. Meet us down there for the CSBA ride this Saturday! I want SOMEONE to make it through on a Kat! I would've thought for sure that Moose would be the one! Moose needs to get back on that bitch and whoop those roads! Get yourself healed up and back out there Moose, there are too many good riding days coming up!
  8. Some dealers (GM for sure, and some Fords) can cut a key using the VIN, but tend to not do it without the owner proving ownership, registration, ID, etc... We had a customer that needed a new key cut (no old one to go on, it was broken off in the ignition) and the Ford stealership wouldn't do it for our shop, even though we regularly deal with them. If the one in town here would've had the ability, I bet they would have done it. I'm not sure if they didn't have the equipment, or just none of the key blanks, it's been a few years ago.
  9. NBC4i.com shows showers Saturday, but weather.gov doesn't. We won't know for a few more days how likely it really is.
  10. You's kwik on ta draw tonite!!! That's what I thought.
  11. That's just the way OR works! I can't believe this thread actually stayed on topic this long! So, what's the deal, have there been ANY Katana's from OR that have made it back from a spirited ride through Kershockten, unscathed?
  12. He upgraded from Xbox and pussy-whipped, to gun and pussy-whipped.
  13. I don't have many more miles in this year! However, the miles that I've put in, I have felt much better about my abilities. I'm doing more things, more right, especially looking through the turns.
  14. Or if you can get the key code and have the stealership cut it (with their stamp type cutter) it would be better yet. That's the closest you can get to the original.
  15. Nothing wrong with being a Jew, it's just the fact that Likwid is Jewish. Stick around, and read some more and you'll see how it works....
  16. They had a tough time finding a VERY COMMON Schlage blank, last time I needed a house key cut, and the screwed up one of the copies (I think I had 2 or 3 copies made) which is tough to do with the "automated" machine they use now. They obviously didn't even LOOK at it (neither did I) to see it was WAY off. I still need a copy or 2 of the house key, I'll try the local hardware and ask about the bike key, or even take it with me.
  17. That's interesting. I THOUGHT I saw some bike blanks the last time I was in a Home Depot. Maybe not though!
  18. Lowes, Home Depot? I think Home Depot is where I've had several of the last keys made that I've needed. I need another key for the Hon-duh (if I ever get it back together) and I'm going to try the local hardware store. The other option is the stealership.....
  19. I thought it was "Fonzie's Bitch"????
  20. We have 5 or 6 t-shirts. I'm about due for another one, that;s half paid for already (gift cards FTW!!!)
  21. How about Cheech's corner? Is it still orange? I haven't been out that way (from that route anyway) to see it.
  22. on the seafoam. Good stuff! Oh, and I don't know about Cheech being an astute poster, maybe more of an ASS TOOT poster!
  23. Man, if only that was a Chevy! I don't know that I could lower my standards, even for a R/C truck.
  24. That's not news, you just didn't read the right threads. BUt yes, I hear he does not share.
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