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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Real enough for you to post it on facebook tho....
  2. The shift indicator in the dash says "P" also. Jussayin'.....
  3. Photoshopp or not, it's still hilarious! That's just as funny!
  4. I bought a 2 TB Hitachi drive there for $150, now I think they have it for $130!
  5. Or fixing one thing just to find another problem that requires engine removal....
  6. Matching a couple of my clocks.... I call it optimism in the winter, a reminder the DSTis coming..
  7. I wouldn't ride without at least the front tire being at least static balanced. The front tire on my VF wasn't balanced when I got it, and it was noticeable. I'm not sure if the rear is balanced or not, I haven't had it off, but I don't noticed any vibrations or anything.
  8. After looking at your carbs a bit more, it looks like they'd be easy to switch jets while still on the bike. Mine, not so much.....
  9. jporter12

    Time off

    So that's how you justify offering BJ's..... Gotcha... Still, no thanks.
  10. jporter12

    Time off

    Just keep sending the supply of Valtrex, and I'll be ok.....
  11. jporter12

    Time off

    At least the site time matches a couple clocks around here that I refused to bother with changing in the fall.....
  12. jporter12

    Time off

    For some....Then you have Likwid..... (sorry Matt, I just feel like picking on someone tonight...)
  13. I'm not about to argue with the asshat's typing cat, either....
  14. That was great! A classic ReconRat kind of thing there! I agree... Likwid is an asshat for that one....
  15. There was some talk at one time of someone putting EFI on older bikes, such as my VF, I'll have to see if I can dig up where I was reading that. Thanks for the reminder....
  16. jporter12

    IMG 3030

    Nice VF in that pic!
  17. The tubes are visibly worn. I see'd 'em mah self.....
  18. AND..seeing that the side draft emulsion tubes are a common wear issue (from what you and Mike were talking about) used carbs might be just as worn. I'm gonna take a guess here and say that before you got them all cleaned out, it was running lean from being all gummed up, and needed that extra fuel. Now that the rest of the carbs is working right, it's too much fuel. Maybe once this is ironed out, you'll get better mileage! I'm hoping that once I get my bike back together and everything RIGHT, the same will happen!
  19. Wow Jagz.... How many beers have you had to be able to write that well?
  20. Needing to make a quick trip into town, and taking the bike instead of the car! Oh, and not getting even close to cold on the ride!
  21. Birds waking my lazy ass in the morning..... Oh wait, that was a couple kids... But it was nice to hear the birds chirping when I got woke up by a couple noisy kids....
  22. It's probably not a bad idea to have a fresh installation of windows anyway.....
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