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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    You riding your insulated ass up there? Aside from my fingers, I think I'm geared up enough for a cold ass ride.... Maybe I can use some of those chemical hand warmer bag thing-a-ma-jig's.....
  2. If anyone needs an invite, as long as you're cool hit me up.
  3. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    Oh how true! Stop in j-town and load up my bike and myself? Nah, if I go, I'll ride up, it's not that far, a hell of a lot closer than F-burg!
  4. What do you do when the number on the bottom of the laptop is not readable anymore, and some dumbass forgot to write it down when it was new? I guess I just need to buy a copy of 7, or a Technet sub when I decide to re-install the laptop.
  5. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    So much fail in those few words.... I guess that means that I HAVE to ride up there. We'll see what the weather looks like, not riding in snow, or on ice, I could be dumb, but not stupid.....
  6. The most recent stuff you can D/L, but to get stuff older than a certain time you have to be regged and logged in.
  7. How'd that work out for ya? That MIGHT have been ok if you rode the bike to get there.... Just sayin'.
  8. You got me, too! That's funny, as long as it IS fiction! Sounds like something That Dude would do to buy some hookers and blow, or blow to get the hookers, or the other way around, or......whatever..
  9. jporter12

    Polar Bear Run

    Same ? here. I might get the 'Ceptor back together for this!
  10. THAT gives new meaning to the saying I heard growing up: "Fuck a duck!"
  11. No, it's That Dude. He'll never see past the hookers and blow....
  12. Isn't everyone this year? We are....
  13. jporter12


    I never realized how small that bike is, or is that rider just a huge dood?
  14. Thanks man! Right back at ya, too!
  15. You guys REALLY don't want me to get my drunk on tonight... I about spit out my drink again, on this one!
  16. Speaking of Bill Murray, isn't it getting close to seeing Groundhog Day on at least one channel a day? I'm not complaining, I can watch that movie over and over again.....
  17. Captain Morgan's Tattoo and Diet Coke FTW!!! While the wife is sitting on the floor wrapping presents and contemplating what batteries we need to get for the KIDS toys.
  18. Lot's of and LAZY in there! (yet I still haven't even STARTED C2-5K.) Where's Casper's pic os the kettle asking who you calling black?
  19. NUoSU? I vote SU for you! (been trying to decide when to use that)
  20. In TD's case, it would be about 1.5 words, at best.
  21. Damn you! I ALMOST spit my rum and coke all over my keyboard on that one!
  22. Amsoil is at least AS good, if not better than Mobil 1. Show us some WEB links to prove otherwise when you awaken from your drunken stupor... Seriously though, most of the synthetic oils are WAY more than good enough for automotive use. I have been running Penzoil synthetic in my car for the last 15-20k miles. In the past 100,000 miles there is NO oil buildup, and this is on an engine that is well known for sludge issues. Before the Penzoil synth I was running the cheap shit you get at Sam's club, which is the primary oil we have used at the shop where I work for 10+ years with NO problems. I'll play dumb here and ask what qualities are needed in an oil for gun purposes....
  23. Come on TD, entertain me some more....
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