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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. 70 mpg is a big fuel fuel economy number! I'm afraid I'd kill myself on a bigger bike. No, really!
  2. Something other than the fuel economy that I like from our little bikes!
  3. Too cold for me to start. Had I started this BEFORE the cold hit, I would be able to adapt, but as it is, I don't do the cold very well. Maybe I can find a treadmill and start?
  4. I know you're gonna think I'm an ass for saying it, but things would be easier to comprehend with better spelling and grammar. Just saying.... License.
  5. Depends on the bike, your record, your age, and your coverage. I just have liability, and it owuldn't save me, since I pay by the year anyway.
  6. Seriously man. Even nice shiny chrome wheels are, well..... wheels, not just rims. Sounds like a kid sort of thing to say.....
  7. Might want to wait for pics to make that decision!
  8. I think I'm talking about an older instance, but when it's something that obviously organized as some of them are, as long as it can be proved, harsher penalties from the get go. The tough thing is, the burden of proof. Anyway, I agree that this thread has seemed to have run it's course.
  9. They COULD attach it with the red light cameras! I have progressive, and I believe you can print out the require proof from their website. I haven't needed it since I've been with them.
  10. I'm thinking I might be ahead to get one from Iron Pony, since I got a couple gift cards for them for Christmas. I don't have the cash to go blowing on it right now. If something changes, I'll let you know, and I have no qualms about dealing with you, as long as the terms are agreed upon upfront, as part of the deal, as I'm sure you don't want that whole mess again!
  11. I can see it in some of the more serious cases, such as the ring that got busted up a few years ago that was blocking off sections of I-71 for their racing. Or for repeat offenders that show no interest in righting their ways....
  12. I got one of those one time, and I didn't have insurance! Fortunately, it was when the car was broken, and at the shop for about a month (I only worked on it after hours when I would get the time to) so I had my boss write me up a letter stating the fact, and sent that, along with a copy of the invoice for the parts I was putting on it. I could've had him do that even if I wasn't working on it, but it worked out that I wasn't lying! That's the only time I've gotten one of those letters. I wonder how random they are? The only other one I know of got one when they weren't covered, so I wonder if ins co's inform the state when someone drops coverage, and then they send out a letter some random time later to see if they got coverage again?
  13. At least that's what they TELL you.... We all know that nobody likes you... I never seemed to get much, and my birthday is in the middle of the summer, nearly a month away from any holidays! Yup, I know they don't like me, and I'll keep it that way!
  14. Seriously though, man up and ride it.
  15. Pics first..... I wanna know what I'm getting into....
  16. The other thing that was a big point in this thread was the provision allowing seizure of the vehicle.
  17. Snow fence pics anyone? (inside joke there)
  18. Just for reference, most insurance policies are based on the year, and take into account the months that you wouldn't be riding, based on zip code, at least that's what a little birdy told me. The ins. co. said it wouldn't save me any to drop in the winter months, but maybe that's because my bikes are so cheap to insure....
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