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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. That's better, link worked! Looks cool. Any mods to the cushioning?
  2. Messed up link, that's what I think!
  3. But what if said reach around was only BECAUSE of said powers? Hmm.. Now what master Yota?
  4. If it was titty pink you'd remember! I think the wife would like me to paint it pink for her. I don;t see that happening. The OE Kawi color is Metallic Nocturne Blue, which is on the tank and side and rear fairings, and the front is a GM dark blue (I forget the exact name) but yeah, the OE color looks like purple. What of it? It takes a REAL man to ride a purple bike... Just sayin....
  5. I think the shock of that happening reinforeces that fact that he meant it!
  6. Goldwing rider said it all there.....
  7. As long as ya stay away from kershockton on that kanatuna! Moose is smart enough to ride within his limits, I'm confident in that.
  8. Yeah, THAT's why I chimed in on this thread! The FIL's speakers are handlebar mounted, but I have NO idea what they are, other than he plug his iPod into them!
  9. Anything that fits inside the helmet? I'm interested to see where this thread goes... My father in law has something that looks, and sounds decent, I'll have to see if I can find out what it is.
  10. Sounds like a cool idea! Not sure I'd be up for the trip, but who knows what next year will bring! Let's do it! That looks like a very nice place.
  11. Never knew that about 10 years ago when we were on a trip to watch the Pocono 500! Actually, I only recently learned that on a trip to Pittsburgh, from my wife's cousin, that lives there. Beer is only sold at the "Beer Distributor" which seems to be their version of the State Liquor Agency here, only for beer. It looks like they might have Liquor stores, also. That first trip to PA sucked, other than the race. The trip to Pittsburgh was ok though.
  12. Yeah, and I'm NOT looking ot be the fastest anyway. The 500 is ALMOST enough for me as-is. I can see my bike responsibility level increasing in the next season or so though, and maybe being ready for something faster, but not NEEDING anything faster. I'd really just like something EFI, like a newer interceptor.
  13. Paintball anyone? I've seen paintball markers that look almost pimped out that much! The NOS tank tipped me off!
  14. That would just be cool. I'm not a gun person, but I have always been intrigued by revolvers. I guess it's just the mechanical nut in me!
  15. So, did Scott at least use some ? (J/K) Seriously though, I have to agree, girls do seem to dig Katana's. I don' tknow why, other than maybe the girly looking fairings? Once the little girls grow up to be women, they like real bikes though. (said katana's would outrun anything I own)
  16. That quote has epicness written all over it! Someone needs to catch that one for their sig! Dave?
  17. Want proof? Connect a load tester to the battery, then hear the engine bog down. Seriously man, I work with this stuff for a living, I KNOW what I'm talking about. Try running a car with the belt disconnected and turn the alternator by hand. You can feel the resistance to turning. If the alternator did not put an increased load on the engine based on the amount it's needing to produce, you would be getting free energy, which just does not happen in such a system.
  18. Not longer to charge, but would require a higher charging rate, which would kill the battery faster, killing our children with lead. Just being a geek and clarifying that for you sir! The slower the charge rate, the better for the life of the battery.
  19. Excellent commentary! Better record than that of clergymen? That is interesting, and honorable!
  20. Technically, it does, but just not by much. By putting enough of a load on the BATTERY, with the engine running, the engine RPM's will drop significantly, until the computer compensates for this change, by letting more air into the engine, which in turn has to have more FUEL delivered, also. With the above being said, I think it would take MANY THOUSANDS of miles of driving with the headlights on vs. headlights off to consume much more fuel. I bet it would be less than a gallon over say 10,000 miles? Basically not enough to worry about it.
  21. No, the 'Ceptor is mine. A Rascal MIGHT be able to outrun the 250! No way it could out-handle it though....
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