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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. We have a customer that pushes snow, has everything from a couple F-350's to a Tahoe with plastic blade! A couple of his trucks are special purpose, the Tahoe does well in the parking garages they say. One thing about it, pushing snow brings in business for us, because it's hard on the trucks, and not everyone plows carefully enough to keep from breaking stuff!
  2. Hey, built that water cooler I see in the background, or at least worked on some of the machinery that was used to make it, depending on when it was made. It's amazing what you see in a pic, they truly are worth a thousand words!
  3. Eats things such as Casper's avatar, a-la the Alf comment... No, it's just you, now that you're a mod...
  4. That's not a bad deal, from what I can tell, although I'm not up to date on what they're typically going for right now....
  5. The quality and features is pretty close on both, most of the time. I haven't compared any of the lower models lately, but they usually one-up the other on a feature or 2 with each new model, but many of the features aren't things that you NEED in a good camera anyway, or at least not as important as camera feel, control layout and menus. So yeah, fondle them both and see who fits better. With that said, Canon FTW! Story over!
  6. But should only be used on...... Wait for it, wait for it...... CATURDAY!!!! I crack me up! (in the Alf voice...)
  7. Canon.... That is all....
  8. Nice looking Viff! I'm really liking my 500, those old bikes are just too cool!
  9. I'd be willing to give up an invite, also. Just as Inya, first PM
  10. ONLY 33 years? Take 2 lives and ONLY 33 years? It IS awesome that a judge would do this!
  11. This is the time of yea that I wish I wasn't in Ohio! Enjoy your time here!
  12. Somebody else saw the movie Contact!
  13. MJ is a girl? And a MOD? Oh no's! Look out guys!
  14. You took my line! Damn you!
  15. Enhanced for your reading pleasure...
  16. I don't have enough free t-shirts... Although, I guess the Iron Pony ones aren't REALLY free, so I have even fewer free t-shirts.
  17. Another Pataskalian! They're taking over! We need a ban on anyone from Pataskala! Kidding, I lived out there for a few years, it was nice then, now it's fast becoming a Columbus Suburb. There are a few riders on here from out there, or close by. Welcome to the madness!
  18. For those of us who believe. For the others, it's consumer whore day. (name taken from my step bro...)
  19. Ignoring you, it seems....
  20. Holy crap! I was just looking on ebay at my laptop, and it looks like it's going for what I paid for it over a year ago! I bought it refurbed for $528 shipped and taxed to my door, and there are some wanting almost $600 for the EXACT SAME thing!
  21. I have Roadrunner, Time Warner. I was a diehard DSL user until about 2 years ago when I moved I got RR, it ended up being cheaper, since I didn't want to carry a landline for phone anymore. I haven't runed back since! I just wish I had slightly better upload. That's a bit low, I think due to the time of day, etc... In the evening I can get a little more DL speed out of it.
  22. Ya, I know, I was kidding, but I was thinking about $200 actually, without looking around at what they're going for. You might look on ebay to see what thye're going for, and keep in mind that on there they'll usually go a little high, in my opinion.
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