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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. That's the first I've heard of anyone actually getting ticketed for it! I have been wondering if anyone ever has! I have to say, I think that the LEO that writes that ticket would be a bit overbearing, and not at all compassionate. Were you ticketed for anything else? Sort of the mentallity of he had good reason to ticket you and not let you off with a warning for something else, so gonna tack on that one too?
  2. The wife is watching a movie with this as the intro and I hear it. Not sure the movie, I might go look in a few.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FjSchBoch0
  3. Thank you! I also like it, and the constant little improvements being made! For all of you that want the board to be completely open, . Point A. This is Casper's site, he gets to make the decision. Point B. What's the big deal with people filling out the little bit to become members? It's not that big of a deal, and it reduces the amount of riff-raff just trying to leech info.
  4. When he'll give you MP for free....
  5. It doesn;t take THAT much to get Todd#43 stirring. Just sain'.....
  6. Everbody loves Moose, just with some of us, it's not in a way....
  7. Technically it is. You are allowed to have only one ear phone in use. The question is how many LEO's even know this, or even care? I'm willing to bet that if you're going to get a ticket for this, you're getting a much more serious ticket with it.
  8. No kidding! Who cares about all that dirt gear anyway?
  9. I gave up the hardline at home a couple years ago, we only have cell phones. We really have no need for anything else, and it would be an unneeded cost.
  10. This is why I'm not a network engineer. I know little of what is being discussed! When it comes to a home or small office network, I'm ok though.
  11. Also, are you doing any serious file transfers between computers? THAT is where wired will rule the roost.
  12. Exactly. How fast is your internet connection? My wireless speed tops out at about 17,000 kb.s transfer rate, where the wired will run up to about 22,000 (talking file transfer rate, more meaningful than 100MB ethernet rate) but it's not on anything wireless that I need that much speed, and not very often on the wired.
  13. Firearms on an airplane is a bad idea, being that a shot going where it shouldn't could take an innocent life, or take down the plane. Air marshall's I'm sure are trained in this area, and should be fine. Knives should not even be questioned.
  14. Guilty until proven innocent? Seems like it to me!
  15. I'm glad I haven't been on a commercial flight since 2000! Geesh! What BS!
  16. I just don't have anything for fishing the wires. I have lot's of connectors. I use most stuff on the wireless here, other than the PC, and the 2 servers. The servers were both in the closet where the router is, but now I have one in here, it helps a little bit with heat! My download speed is a little bit faster than the wireless, so the PC that I use for downloading I wanted wired. I just have a cable poked up through the floor for it, behind the desk though, since I rent, I don't want to put in wall plates and stuff.
  17. Wireless? I have a few of the tools needed but not enough to take on a job.
  18. Some are, some aren't. My wife's are, well they're more like auto headlights, mine use the high beams and runs them at a dimmer level, some vehicles use seperate bulbs. No argument really, since there are so many variations, unless you want to discuss a particular vehicle.
  19. Who needs a house when you have bikes?
  20. That's what I was saying about trying to turn the pulley by hand with the belt off. You WILL feel the resistance, which I did not say is the magnetic field, soory for not being totally clear on that. Sorry, but that's wrong. Using a scan tool, I can read the amount that the computer is telling the alternator to output, and it WILL change. Care to guess how many amps those little headlight bulbs pull? It's usually 45-55 watts each, divide that by roughly 14 volts, which is what the typical charging systems maintains, so 90/14 is about 6.5 amps. That doesn't seem to be a lot, but on many newer cars, just running the engine pulls 30 amps, add the heater blower, radio, and other stuff, you're getting close to the capacity of the charging system really fast, therefore the headlights DO put more of a load on it, as it will be noticed more when the system is already loaded! Dual batteries and higher output alternator, along with monster amounts of torque in the lower RPM range. It won't drop noticeably A new alternator will usually say to NOT use it to charge the battery, to make sure the battery is fully charged before starting the vehicle, to prevent damage to the alternator. The high load, all at once, upon startup will overheat the thing, killing the diodes or regulator.
  21. Careful, MJ might get mad if you take that from her and twist it to work for Yota.......
  22. Oh man, this could get really bad, really quick, so I'm not going there....
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