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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. That is going to be the interesting part, I don't know how they take into account a salvage title. I am not even sure they will know. You do not have to accept their offer on the spot, you can sleep on it, ponder it and call them back and negotiate....

    I have a friend going through this exact same thing with a cage. He bought a totaled 2002 Honda Odyssey a few years ago (from a salvage auction, through a friend) fixed all the damage, got it inspected, titled (rebuilt salvage) van got totaled again last week (not really that tough of a fix, but parts are costly, air bags) and is working on negotiating with the insurance company right now. If all goes well, he'll be fixing it again soon!

  2. Build your own for sure. New Egg is good, Mwave, is usually decent.

    Believe or not, The past few times that I've shopped for PC parts, Microcenter has been the cheapest on most items.

    They have a few good sales guys, but I always know what I want and their only use to me is to go the back room and get it.

    I love Microcenter for the instant gratification factor, and they have decent prices, and run some really good sales! Overall, they can not touch Newegg for everything, but often times, shipping costs, and the instant gratification factor make it very worthwhile to go there. Not nearly as much worry about low quality components from them.

    I know a few other local pc build-geeks, and they swear by MicroCenter. I just haven't been there to see for myself recently. There's a crappy lil hole in the floor place behind Hooter's E. Main that is also quite good for basic stuff (hard drives, dvd-rw drives and such).

    Custom computer warehouse. Just make sure you know what you're getting, because they have some CHEAP (NOT to be read inexpensive) parts there, and some good stuff. Just be sure you know what you're getting!

    Back to laptops, I have always liked Toshiba. I don't remember them ever going through periods where they had nothing but crap on the market, liek pretty much all of the others have. I'm using a $600 year old Toshiba 17", AMD Turion x2, 320gb, 3GB ram laptop now, and I love it, even with Vista on it!

  3. I agree. I plan to help my children with college. I don't want them to have to do what I had to do, it sucks. The times have changed and you need a good degree to get by well in todays society. It's hard to get good pay w/out one. If they get a free baseball ride like I did, I hope they don't blow it their senior year of HS like I did. :(

    Some parents think they're kids should work for their college. Why do you want to put that much stress on your loved one? Help them have it easier than you and try to save for them. I wish my parents did. They depended on a scholarship for me, which I got, but then fucked up my senior year and was ineligible to play or have the grades to take the scholarship I was getting offered.

    We're really in agreement, then. I just got a little to over the top with the way I was saying it! LOL

    Sux to hear about that screw up. I bet you'll remember that forever... :(

    I think kids that are able to handle it should have to work to HELP with school costs. Not to pay for it all, but to help out.

    Anyway, I'll stop the hijack....

    Maybe look for a catering company or something? From what I hear, it's pretty easy work, and pay is decent.

  4. all previous comments are what I was thinking,,We don't have a president we have a (movie star) inexperienced person running this country I feel bad for my grand kids that are going to have to pay for this jokers screwups.

    Reagan was a movie star, a REAL movie star! We seem to have a long list of failures getting elected to the highest office in the country. What gives?

  5. I applaud someone rich enough to pay for college as they go out of their own pocket. Honestly, if I already had a job that I could do that with I suggest that person to forget college and stay with that company they already work for, because that is one hell of a job w/out a college education. Then again if they have nothing else to worry about and live with mommy or someone else is paying for everything else, then I can see what you mean. Which really doesn't say Mr. independent.

    I never met a soul that hasn't paid or is paying their student loans. I had no idea that any loans out there means the receipient is going to file bankruptcy. That is a new ignorant fact that I'll have to add to my throw away list. :nono:

    I admire you for having cash for your home, car, etc, and never owning a credit card. You sir are my IDOL. :bow: Cuz we all know that if you don't have cash for something now and get a loan on credit that it means your a piece of shit excuse of an American and will be in bankruptcy court soon. :nono::lol:

    News: If it wasn't for student loans most colleges wouldn't even survive. College attendance would be very low. Not everyone is Indian and gets government funding and graduates with an Engineering or doctor of medicine degree.

    Responsibility....yeah, I have lots of it. :slap:

    Nick, Nick, Nick..... Sorry the rep system being offline has you so sensitive! :lol:

    If that's the only way you have to afford college, by all means do what you have to do. I applaud you for going through college to begin with.

    No, student loans, or financing stuff doesn't mean that a person will end up in bankruptcy. I do know for a fact that 100% of the people that don't have anything financed will not file bankruptcy! It would be SO much better if parents would start planning, and saving for their children's college.

    I'm just saying that it's a good idea to try to do everything possible to avoid financing any more than one has to.

  6. my gf went and got her flu shot today............. i laughed at her and called her a conformist :lol:


    Ok, you have to quit making good posts until the rep system is back up and running!

  7. Ok so how about this, untill we get a new place for next season... We pick a diff place each week in diffrent areas of town???

    We haz a winnar! Maybe Moose's Koc(k) every few weeks or something, and somewhere different in between?

    Personally, I think a place for next year should be out on the east side of Columbus, more central for most that attend from what I hear...

  8. What about school loans? That's how most get through college. You pay them back 6 months after you graduate. Most consolidate the subsidized and Unsubsidized when it's time. Also, you can concentrate on college and not waste time working while you're in it.

    The American way! Then file bankruptcy a few years later becuase of the hole you've gotten yourself into, and on and on....

    Sorry, I just have a problem with going into debt when you're ABLE to worl and pay for things instead.

  9. What's a good second job? I realize there's better places to ask but, what's the OR take on coming up with cash?

    This is actually not a bad place to ask! There are so many people on here in so many different industries that someone might even have a job for you!

  10. Street corner? :eek:

    Kidding! Right now, just take what you can find, flipping burgers, delivering pizza's, whatever, but always have your eye open for something better! That's my advice for anyone looking for a job, something is better than nothing, and if you have some (more in your case) cash flowing in, you'll be less stressed about it.

  11. yep i am e-flores as well over there

    good i have been a member for over a year and only have 4 post... beat that!

    yeah i pretty much lurk everyday over there and yes there is so much to be learned!!!

    I've been there since April of 05, and have 198 posts! I really need to get back into photography, there's just so much other stuff going on....

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