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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. I agree with you but I am just against gambling in general. I have seen several friends and family lose money from it.

    I hate to be Mr. Downer here, but they would find a way to lose it, or just foolishly spend it (I know firsthand how that works! I've done it!) Isn't the lottery also gambling? You pay money in hopes of winning more in return?

    Legalized gambling will happen. It may not be this time around, or the next, but it WILL be here. I don't really care for it. I also don't really care if someone else does go and gamble away everything. What I do care about is that it goes against my beliefs, and it would be wrong of me to vote for it, and to enable someone by voting for it.

  2. I understand them not wanting to let anyone see the install. Try on this scenario:

    Thief takes a bike in to have lojack install. He's allowed to watch. Learns about what's involved in the install. Thief uses gained knowledge to thwart lojack on the bikes the said thief steals. Of what use is lojack now?

    I agree with all of the people that don't want to leave your bike in the hands of someone else.

    Scruit, I can totally understand your concerns with trusting techs to work on your stuff. The are some out there that I wouldn't trust with a tricycle! Fortunately, I think I have the trust of most of our customers that the techs at our shop will do the job to the best of our professional abilities, and that we will not harm their vehicle in any way. Do I drive customers cars harder than they probably do? Most likely. Will I drive a customers car hard enough to do damage? Nope! I drive customer vehicles as though they're my own, actually not as hard as I drive my own. To properly diagnose some (many?) driveability conditions, you HAVE to drive the car somewhat hard. The fastest way to know if the computer is delivering enough fuel is to mash the pedal and look at what the oxygen sensor sees! This doesn't mean to redline the engine, but high RPM's are needed to tell if the MAF sensor is reading the proper amount of airflow. I used all of this on a family member's vehicle about a week ago, to diagnose a stumble while cruising at highway speeds, and hesitation.

  3. You have the rights to reload your operating system.

    1. Try an OEM install of XP or Vista first. If it's cranky about Toshiba owning the original operation system, it will fail on the MS registration at the end of the install, using the serial number on the Vista sticker on the computer. DELLs and HPs will generally fail like that.

    2. Try calling Toshiba for the "special" authorized install disk. Small charge for shipping usually. Good luck with that, Toshiba sucks for support. Like they often just say no.

    3. Per Microsoft, if the manufacturer of your computer refuses, Microsoft will help you out with replacing your operating system. I have not ever known anyone to try this.

    Problem with #1, I didn't write the number down, and now it's rubbed off from using the laptop, well.... on my lap....

    As for #'s 2 & 3, I plan to get a Technet sub anyway, so that all my software is "legit". I have 7 on my desktop machine to not have to worry about buying Bista for it. I also need Home Server, and Server 2003, Office, etc....

  4. Correct, and for anyone that accidently kills explorer.exe, just restart the task manager and go to the File pulldown, select new task (run), and type in explorer and execute. Sometimes good to do when the desktop is goofy, kill the explorer process and restart it.

    On my laptop (running vista) explorer.exe will occasionally stop responding, and I have to kill the process. What a pain in the rear. As a side thought, I really need to reload windows on that thing (without all the Toshibe crap) but they don't provide any way for a reload, nop media included, etc.... Looks like time to get a Technet subscriprion anyway.

  5. The way the machines are anymore anyone with basic knowledge can do an alignment now understanding how to read the numbers as to pull and tire wear thats a different story.


    Anyone can put the numbers in the green, but that's no guarentee that it will not pull, or wear tires! The specs are SUPPOSED to be so that even if you're at the edge of the specs it will be ok, but some simply aren't. Experience will tell where the numbers should be. For instance, you can fudge things a bit on a 4x4 truck, where a sports car needs to be as precise as you can get it. Myself, I try to get it as close as possible on all.

  6. Rain was hard enough the Jeep might have been hydroplaning.

    The exit and entrance ramps were all sliding and slippery.

    Traffic on the freeway North bound was only doing 55mph. That's rare.

    :eek: 55? That's rare even when the roads are snow covered!

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