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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. RIP thanks for giving yours so we could be selfish enough to enjoy ours...

    Quoted for absolute truth. It makes me feel insignificant when I discuss the men and women that are in the service, especially those that are, or have been in Iraq/Afghanistan.

    Thanks to all of those that have served.

    I will be watching for something to come forth in his memory, for his family. Maybe a poker run, or even just a group ride, with donations taken?

  2. Only something like a 7% increase i read somewhere..which I don't like btw. Right now we are still working under the last budget also. Who know what will happen. I don't like some of his policies, but I'm willing to give him a decent amount of time like I would have McCain before I start passing real judgments on affects.

    Yeah, I'm not for throwing him under the bus just yet but he (and congress) really needs to do something!

  3. Nah they will still be paying for things like Iraq way before they get to the healthcare money.

    Thankgs that they mibght be soon paying on, if the bailouts, and all the out of control spending had not skyrocketed out of control! I'm NOT directing that comment at Obama, it started before him, although he has done NOTHING to reduce spending that I've heard of, just adding to the problem even more!

  4. The problem with parenting is that it's the most important job in the world, but there's really no interview process...

    My parents (not my teachers, not my boss, not my 'village') taught me to "respect the position, and make my own decisions on the message."

    I'm the furthest thing from 'Catholic' anymore, but I'd still listen to what the Pope has to say, and be thrilled to meet the man if the opportunity arose. Listening does not equal blind agreement. I've read speeches by Hitler, and speeches by MLK. I listen to Rush Limbaugh, and Art McKoy - i've never agreed with either of the 100% in any hour...

    if these 'concerned' parents spent half as much time talking to their kids as they are protesting about it, there wouldn't be an issue.

    Wow! SOMEBODY get's it! Oops, there I go with "nothing to add" again...

  5. Lot's of great advice flying around here! Take some of it and get your shit together! It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, and can figure this out! Sit down, do the math and you'll be surprised! I know when I do this, I realize that I have a lot of money that is going to nothing.

    Good luck! You can do it!

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