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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. I really want to get together with some OR peeps for a ride, but something always seems to get in the way! Tuesday is a bad day for me. For some reason, when I forst read this, I thought it was Wednesday, which would've been possible for me. Ugh...


  2. just need to know if that speedway at rt 16 and cherryvalley rd is good to meet at and what time???

    You DO know that's in Licking County, right? :D

    I'll see if I can make it to this one since I missed Saturday's ride. This one may be a bit tougher to make, being during the week, and depending on how work goes.

    What's the planned route?

  3. Good turnout today.

    I think the wait staff was a bit overwhelmed.


    A shoutout to them anyway! It was a really cool event! Looking forward to the next, and will actually RIDE there next time, instead of caging it, even if the wife comes along.

  4. After thinking for a while...Brakes shoes need adjusted. Adjust them until there is a little bit of drag when you spin the wheel by hand. The shoes are having to come out father that they should.


    Good call! That's exactly what I would be checking! I have had this happen before, but usually on trucks.

    Does the car have ABS? If so, I think it's the Delco VI system, and you need to park the ABS motors. I've only had to do this on one or two of the MANY that I've replaced hydraulic brake components, but it could be what's going on! You have to use a scan tool to do this.

  5. Yeah, I had an "OFF" day today, as in OFF the bike. I didn't even get to ON the bike. To top that, the kids were in rare form today, made having to stay home even worse. At least I didn't get wet! (Not sure if that's a good trade off though.)

  6. umm last time i was in licking county i got arrested in the middle of winter because i was trying too be a nice guy and help out a friend and i didn't know my license was suspended and spent time in jail because the dmv ppl dont' know how to send notices out...oh i got a notice but it was for days after i got arrested

    So, if you're legal now, what's the issue? It would be a long way to go around to get to some decent roads to ride, with the exception of going south to Hocking.

  7. Can't wait till tomorrow so I can meet some of you folks Should be fun.I'll be the old guy on my beemer, wife in tow or may be on her rebel:)
    old people smell funny

    I didn't say it! :lol:

    I hope to make it up there tomorrow, wspecially since I couldn't make the CSBA ride today.

  8. throw on some cartoons they'll be fine :) ....... We'll do it another time

    That's a BAD thing around here! They are SOOO different when they watch too much TV!

    Maybe I'll make the meet and greet tomorrow, instead. Not as much of a fun ride, but still can get out that way. Maybe I could just go for a ride by myself this evening, or tomorrow to make up for it?

    I'll get out on a group ride sometime, eventually!!!

  9. How about all the cars and trucks with tires that are different sizes than OE? It is a grey area at best, when considering vehicle mileage anyway. Mileage isn't such a big deal with me most of the time anyway. My car has over 184,000 on it, and my other car has over 230,000 on it (chasis does anyway!)

  10. Anyone else feel like he's only paying the price after-the-fact because they couldn't sweep it under the rug? :confused:

    Wonder who narked...

    This is what I've been wondering, or more like if this is what's going on here.

    Why is the third rider hardly being mentioned? NBC4 has said nothing about the third rider, was he not with these 2?

  11. we meet at 9 at a lot by brice and livingston, can hook up with you in newark, granville or pataskala your choice I go 16 all the way in to mcnaughten and we'll pick up sean along the way prolly at the krogers on 16 and rose hill i leave a little before 8 , in newark 8:20ish and pataskala 8:40ish

    Meet in Pataskala around 8:40 then? I'll prolly be there around 8:30 or so, or ??

  12. Has anyone seen the dash cam video? There's a third bike! I told the wife that when we saw it on the evening news, they said nothing of it. We got home a little while ago, and sure enough, the Newark Advocate's website says there was a third! Interesting.....

  13. I was RIDEN DIRTY for a while till the cop that pulled me over informed me that he lives 2 streets over from me :eek: and see's me all the time and better not see me again till I get my shit together. week later I was clean and never felt better !!! :D

    Ah, so THAT's where the avatar pic of RJ comes from!

  14. Where are ya planning to meet up for the easterner's that are going? I'm in Johnstown, I can head to Newark, or granville, or Pataskala pretty easily. Also, what time? I will be at the men's group at our church (1.5 miles from my home) from 7 until I have to leave to meet up.

    Broad and Waggoner would be ok, too.

  15. I have been out at night a few times, I try to get home before it's really dark, except for leaving work, which is less than 2 miles away.

    On the highway part, I've kept away from the interstate highway part of that one, but I HAVE been in congested areas, such as Morse Rd, near Easton. Definitely congested there!

    I always have my helmet on, and don't carry passengers.

    For the most part, I do follow the rules.

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