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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. ACDelco or interstate. They're both worth the money, IMHO.
  2. It's not THAT bad of a job. Make sure you unplug, or completely remove the brake light switch! Or just go ahead and buy a new one to put in it after you get it back together!
  3. Why not just fix the power lock? By cleaning up the wiring, does that mean you removed the alarm? If it's still in there, it should be hooked up to trigger when the doors open (mine didn't have the door triggers wired in for several years, glad I didn't need it to work!) I agree with keeping it clean and as original looking as possible. Everything audio related in my car is aftermarket (way outdated at this point) but the head unit is the only thing noticeable by looking in through the tinted windows. No flashy wheels or anything. I don't even have an LED hooked up for the alarm armed status. The less people suspect will be in there, the less likely they'll break in.
  4. I'm glad that not all dealerships are like that! I'm also glad that I have high enough morals to not do something like that! I may drive the cars a little hard, but not abusive in any way. Well, there was this one time that I lit up the tires on a Ford Lightning, after someone said they couldn't get it to do so, but I kept the revs in check, and knew the owner and that they wouldn't get too upset anyway. I know that vehicle got driven a LOT harder than we did!
  5. For the cost, it's not a bad idea! I've been certified in all the areas since 2000, with the exception of A9 - Light duty diesel, and I got it in the first round that it was offered.
  6. I have heard people say "dead men don't talk" when regarding whether to shoot to kill or not. I'm gonna say that if there are witnesses, shooting to kill beyond just stopping the threat may not work out well for someone trying to defend their self. If there are no witnesses, it's going to be between the shooter and God.
  7. Oh yeah, I've been doing this for a living for almost 13 years, and I graduated vocational school for Automotive Technologies in 1991. Worked a factory job for about 10 years before returning to the automotive stuff.
  8. I'm not going to publicly disclose my hourly rate, but I will say that it's not bad for being new to the dealership (I worked at independent shops before now) but kinda low for my experience and knowledge level. It's been the same for a few years now, since I've changed jobs a couple times, so that's my "fault" for that. I have all the automotive ASE's that I can get, A1-A9, L1, X1 and I'm pretty far through the GM training, down to the point where most of what I have left is ahnds on at the training centers. I do a little bit of everything. We're a small dealership (6 techs) so most of us do everything. We have one guy that is nothing but new and used car inspections, and one guy on the lube rack, the rest of us do everything else. I probably SHOULD be making more per hour, by about $3-5 but things are pretty slow around here right now, and I'm sure that a raise would probably be out of the question at this time. As it is, I'm able to meet my budget at around 32 hours a week, and typically surpass that, plus I'm less than 5 miles from home. At this point, I'm just doing the best job I can, avoiding comeback potential, and being happy with what I have.
  9. Wrong answer! I know about this first-hand! The company that I used to work for was shipping large parts across the country to another factory that assembled the products at a cheaper labor rate, not to mention when the Mexico operation started up.
  10. Ride? I thought this was a guns and politics website? Since I'm at less than 5 miles each way to work, I have less than 2k miles in this year. I MAY have more than 1500. We've had a lot of family stuff going on, so that has cut into my riding, as well.
  11. When faced with facts Magz isn't replying? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKMUHcgsbag
  12. That's what the cans I have say that they have in them. Those fluoroethanes are bad stuff to breathe in. Brake parts cleaner is pretty bad stuff, especially when it vaporizes. I was spraying down the front of a 7.3 powerstroke to find an oil leak one day, while it was running. Massive lung irritation, hard to breathe, had to go outside to get fresh air.
  13. I am less apathetic about Romney now. Romney kept defending his points, and Obama stumbled a lot, and danced around real answers at times.s
  14. I'm pretty sure that's the guy that did a car for one of my friends. Very nice job, even on a complex surface (vette rear glass.)
  15. My wife just took her previous pair of regular glasses back to the eye dr and had them tinted! It was pretty cheap, like less than $20.
  16. Nothing going on at work. Time filler. I should work at a Dodge dealership and there would be lot's to do, such as the Dodge in this story with "mechanical issues."
  17. I didn't know they had the access plate! I usually take a look in the repair manual before starting on one that I'm not sure about.
  18. Big metal cage - motorcycle... I'm pretty certain that the motorcycle could outrun the dodge ram that appears to be a basic model, probably not even a Hemi, or turn off and get turned around quicker than the truck.
  19. A bunch of kids shows, for the most part.
  20. I took about an hour nap today and woke up with my neck all cramped up. I'm lookin gfor answers to this, too!
  21. jporter12


    Yeah, I had swiped them for a thread on here.
  22. As much as I hate to admit, this guy knows what he's talking about. Although, I think it's time to go buy a Canon!
  23. I like it! This will be nice for managing files on my phone!
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