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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. https://electrek.co/2019/08/21/harley-davidson-shows-off-new-electric-bike-design-as-in-electric-bicycle/
  2. I agree, this thread is pure gold and is much appreciated.
  3. I don't care where they all go, as long as they go.
  4. There is hope for Russia I think. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy#Russia
  5. So people in Hong Kong are protesting and so on to maintain Democracy. Antifa and a great many Dems are protesting and so on to get socialism/communism. What if we just did a straight up trade...brought all the Hong Kong peeps here and sent Antifa and their Dem enablers to Hong Kong. We should be able to find and arrange a similar trade for all the white supremacists too.
  6. It really boils down to your tolerance for cold. Mine is very low, I got no natural insulation.
  7. And make sure the jacket liner is pretty snug, it doesn't create heated air around you...hit heats you through direct contact.
  8. Also, I highly suggest you get a jacket liner and gloves...and get a dual controller so you can control each individually. My gloves are usually set pretty high and the jacket liner is set lower. If I had a single control either my hands would be cold or I would be roasting in the jacket. The gloves plug into the jacket liner making it pretty easy to hook it all up.
  9. California Heat is the new king of this product type. Any other suggestions you may receive are wrong and out of date. IP has it, their prices are good on it. Not many discounts on heated gear.
  10. Mid-October to early November is prime fall color/minivan/RV season. If you go during that time it really isn't that bad except for on the BRP. You will need heated gear during that time also, it is cold in the mornings and at elevation. It is really beautiful if you catch it at the right time. If you don't care about the colors then early October or before would be the time to go. You might see some good color that time of the year at elevation, it changes sooner.
  11. Best not to post the route. I heard the cops watch for that and wait along the route.
  12. No route, no description of pace. SMH
  13. Tonik

    I'm back...

    Sorry to hear that man.
  14. Wait. Is two people using the same account a banable offense?
  15. TJ gave way better handies than you do.
  16. Here is the link to the video she sent me. Looks like it can be done without a major tear down. https://youtu.be/qvDkkxgzWoQ
  17. Photoshopped. Everyone knows all Docs have a cup holder for their Starbucks. Are you wearing front or side armor under that suit? Not calling you fat, it just looks really uniform....not distorted by the wind.....
  18. You should seriously consider the GPS that comes with a Goldwing.
  19. Based on how many times he stalled the hyper Saturday that is a good guess.
  20. What I experienced when it happened was the clutch not fully engaging until it had been released for awhile. Awhile being a few seconds....I would have completely let it off and it was still slipping a bit...then it would fully engaged. Only happened when it was first started up. If I let it sit for five minutes at idle when first started it would be fine. All of this was over in a day, I tore it down in a parking lot in Austin and cleaned it up. It is VERY noticable when it happens.
  21. Slave is a good call. The Whale had that issue at 50ish k
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