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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Can't imagine the setting has anything to do with this despite what you are saying above. Just does not make any sense. Flush it out with clean fluid, I am betting air or bad fluid.
  2. Dude, buy @Pauly 's FZ 6. Not exactly what you want but it can be had cheap. PM me if you want help on the lowest price he will accept. I have inside info.
  3. Just until the first turn, then you would be gone.
  4. You didn't text the right people man.
  5. The 93 memorial is something else to see. Very surreal.
  6. https://www.amazon.com/Master-Lock-Combination-Retractable-4603D/dp/B0009V1WPM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=bicycle+locking+cable+retractable&qid=1565602802&s=gateway&sr=8-3
  7. Bicycle cable lock, those retractable ones.
  8. Any time Ed, and I'll put my cooler rack on the back so we can haul our own gas. And your description of how it is posted is how it is usually done, meet here at a certain time, here is the route I intend to take and here is how fast I intend to go.
  9. Damn, I didn't see this until just now. I would have gone.
  10. The correct answer is both. There also needs to be more people setting up rides. It was enjoyable yesterday just following along from the back. And people that complain we don't post enough rides that never post rides themselves can blow me.
  11. Real men just look at the dash.
  12. I thought they were cancelled for no rain?
  13. Then 15 people show up and no one wants to lead a second group and it's a shit show. Then a couple peel off on their own and get all butt hurt and blame the leader when they get lost even though the route with gpx have been posted for months.
  14. Dunno, you would need to consult with the ride organizer for an answer to that. It was not me.
  15. Tonik

    FU Ed

    Actually, it's Nivin.
  16. Tonik

    FU Ed

    Ues. Hopefully you are ok with that. We don't tolerate racist around here. We hate everyone equally. Technically we hate white people more since there are more of them it seems.
  17. Tonik

    FU Ed

    Nivan is brown.
  18. Tonik

    FU Ed

    Which part didn't you understand?
  19. Why the fuck did you never put 90 stems on the MT10 considering how many times you put tires on it? @JustinNck1
  20. Tonik

    FU Ed

    Nivan confirmed my test results this morning. Fuck Ed.
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