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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Changed the oil, couple of big trips coming up.
  2. That's not what they are bitching about. But you knew that.
  3. Tonik

    New bike

    WTF, dude stole my alter ego screen name.
  4. Less HP, no traction control and would have to buy a new one to get abs. And it wasn't one of the listed choices.
  5. I was really leaning towards the CBR 600RR, then the ZX-6R caught my eye with a slightly larger engine but not too big. 13 and up for the CBR 600 RR because of the better rear suspension and a few extra ponies but I could be talked down to 2009. And that may make sense, save a few bucks and spend it on suspension. Also 13 and up for the ZX-6R, that is when ABS started on those. To be clear, ABS is still mandatory. Slipper clutch will be added to the CBR if I go that route. The Zx has one I believe.
  6. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    My kid on MTV. Zoey Dollaz and Chris Browns song Post and Delete. Briefly about 45 seconds in and longer at about 245. Not safe for work.
  7. I took an arrow to the knee once. Does that count?
  8. Damn right, cops are trying to kill them.
  9. Blacks are 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police than whites, and half of them are unarmed. Are those the stats you were looking for? And yes, the 2.5 times is adjusted for population.
  10. Damn is that awesome.
  11. Wow, so many supposed conservatives that claim to be all about the Constitution yet ignore it when it doesn't align with their beliefs. The US Flag Code was declared unconstitutional quite some time ago.
  12. And would someone please explain to me when all our Vets turned into Snowflakes.
  13. Sorry you misinterpreted my post, but not surprised.
  14. Perhaps you should read my post again, out loud and slowly.
  15. Exactly. And for them that symbol is starting to represent generations of repression and abandonment. A government that accepts their service in the armed forces and then lets cops walk when they gun them down. No, not as often as the say, but far too often. A government that would rather spend money on tanks or studies of the mating habits of bees than help parentless children. I really think most people's stand on this issue boils down to whether or not they agree with the claims of the black folks. The rest is just justification for their view.
  16. They need to revisit the oath they took when they enlisted. I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; It doesn't say, defend the Constitution when I agree. In fact, they of all people should be condemning Trump for using his office to try and shut this protest down. That is clearly a violation of the First Amendment, at least from a moral standpoint. We should have a beer with my kid, he is a Vet. Thinks the players have every right to do this, and he is one of the more conservative people I know. And I have a question. How exactly should these people protest. If the march they get yelled at for blocking traffic. If the kneel they get yelled at. They can't hold office at least in Ohio because the R's have rigged the Congressional distrcts Theyhave a legit beef on some issues, they have a right to be heard.
  17. I think Kaepernick is smarter than anyone that voted for Trump or Hillary.
  18. I wonder if those priests that object will be taking a knee during Mass.
  19. Glad we were able to clear this disagreement up.
  20. So the implication in that wall of text is that people shouldn't be so easily offended? Great advice, I hope those offended by the anthem protests get your message. After all, that right to protest was a huge part of what they were defending. In fact peacefully excercising that right seems like the ultimate recognition of their sacrifice. Way better than naming a team after them.
  21. I do however take exception to the Washington REDskins protesting discrimination against people of color. That is some messed up stuff.
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