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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Hole through the floor, bolt up through the bottom. Then a nut on top of that to sandwich it to the floor...and then put the ramps on top of that and another nut. With washers in the appropiate places of course.
  2. I think the poll speaks for itself
  3. Not on the Whale, don't even know it's there other than there is more fluid to change.
  4. Yes, but what happened is still on me. I have 60K with ABS on the Whale. So I am mentally trained to brake like I have ABS if I feel the need. It's a great way to do it, until you don't have ABS. Then it really sucks.
  5. It will have to have ABS whatever it is.
  6. Tonik


    Exactly the right plan.
  7. Tonik


    Here is another good run down on options. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/09/the-equifax-breach-what-you-should-know/
  8. If this made up BS crashing long after the fact rule applies then yes, I smoked him on the track too.
  9. I dusted you. My sig being changed will not alter that fact at all.
  10. Tonik


    Take their credit monitoring. And yea, freeze your credit on the big three. That day has come, IT security is fucked, and will be for quite aome time. Also get some identity theft insurance. Check your renters or your home owners....often already included. If not add it or look at lifelock or someone like that. It isnt so much that you will loose money, its that your life will be hell for years if you get hit with an identity theft. Total unimaginable hell.
  11. I suggest you insist on cash in hand before the test ride.
  12. Tonik


    I have been thinking about this. I am going to freeze my credit at all three agencies and then sue Equifax in small claims. Then every time have to unfreeze I am going to sue then again for the unfreeze and refreeze.
  13. Woooo...I just totaled the FZ6.
  14. Yep. it's you. You like to ride and are capable of riding long distances. They are not.
  15. I love you man, but no they are not. They are Fucktards. They are knowing selling a defective product that could have killed Derek because it is cheaper and easier to just make the insurance claim.
  16. Need to fix the thread title, there was no battle here.
  17. At our school district we have lots of buildings from that era. Each building has a book that you check before you disturb anything, no hole drilling for cables...nothing until you check the book. If the area you are in is in the book you don't disturb it at all. Buildings were never tested. Testing is somewhat of a conundrum. To test it you have to disturb it, but you can't disturb it unless you put it in full enclosure and negative pressure and all that. It is far cheaper to just assume everything has it and work around it. Thankfully all those buildings are coming down over the next few years.
  18. Lets look at the bright side. I will turn a profit on the insurance claim.
  19. Sorry, should have given more details. That was lame of me. I road it home and I am fine. Faring, fairing supports, windshield, right side frame and engine covers, handlebars are a bit bent. And this big ass dent in the tank on the left side from my knee. It went down on the right. IXS armor saved my knee from any real injury. It is sore, but not bad.
  20. Wrecked it on 536 I'm ok but I expect it is totaled.
  21. Not @Isaac's Papa and/or @Casper
  22. Thanks for checking sir. Let us know if you need anything. We can mow lawns, fix cars...whatever you need.
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