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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    How many mass shootings have there been on Australia in the las 21 years. What has happened to the homicide rate in Australia on the last 21 years? The suicide rate?
  2. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    How many mass shootings were there in Australia on the last 21 years? How many in the US in the last 21 years?
  3. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    I said no such thing, and any implication that I did is a lie.
  4. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    We are trying to address mass shootings here. Well at least some of us are.
  5. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    Making no laws doesn't change the future.
  6. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    Stating simple facts, your Obama Meme is bullshit. And your understanding of Constitutional rights is flawed, badly.
  7. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    I clearly stated what your way is, to do nothing. And your post above confirms it. Every Constitutional right has limits. Cant yell fire in a crowded theater. Cant get a late term abortion.
  8. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    WTF. The possibility of something happening? Have you seen the news? It is happening, over and over again. We tried your way, which is to do nothing. Your way is a complete failure.
  9. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    You prepare for a random car crash on the highway by having seatbelts, air bags and crash resistant cars. All federally mandated. And you don't run around saying cars dont kill people, people kill people.
  10. New offer. 4.90. You aint getting any other offers, I suggest you take it before I lower it again.
  11. He wouldn't pay 2 bucks for pvc glue, let alone 7 bucks for those.
  12. I will give you 5 bucks to fucking burn them so I can lock this thread.
  13. Yea, soon as Justin posted that I knew you told him. You two sure do spend a lot of time conspiring against me.
  14. Ok, don't hate him anymore. Did you know he used to work for my kid?
  15. Leave Thursday, guess where. Hint:
  16. Dang, I thought I was one of those people. That Tristian guy bumped me out didn't he. I hate that guy. IP has boatloads of one piece in the 500 range. Might at least help narrow down the size. Sizing sucked, I tried on 3 of them before I got it right. Still lose in the hips since I dont have any but zipped together the jacket holds it up.
  17. I have this one, lots of us do. Pretty darn good suit. http://www.ironpony.com/ipd/pi.asp/ImageName/ixscamaro.jpg/Brand/IXS/c2/Riding-Suits/c3/Two-Piece-Suits/c1/Street-Products/KitKey2/Camaro-Leather-2-Piece-Suit-
  18. Cut down to 1 Starbucks a day instead of 2 and that would generate 2 grand in a year easy. 2K will get you a decent track bike.
  19. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    That one is easy, use the existing system. So if I sell you a gun we just walk into the local gun shop. The background check system needs to be changed, you get a license every five years or so to buy a gun...just like a CHL. Hell, the CHL can serve both purposes.
  20. Tonik

    Trigger cranks

    This guy got his guns legally. So yes, your second sentence works. But getting a mental health evaluation to get a gun is going to be a very hard system to implement. I agree we need to do something like this but it is going to be tough. All of this is a symptom of a much larger problem. America has lost it's way. No one cares about anyone anymore. You see it on the roads, all the road rage..truckers are insane anymore. 10 years ago they were the White Knights of the highway. Mean people everywhere. See it in politics, you either agree with me 100 percent or I hate you. Poverty in this country is off the charts, and no one cares. 'It's your fault, get a job loser.' People that think @Casper should be killed. It's horrible. No idea what the fix is, but it certainly is broken.
  21. They opened the 9th to everyone. Well, everyone that didn't total their bike.
  22. QFT Its a pile on offense. How many infractions can I pile on this guy. That is what happened to Mark.
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