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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I suggest you leave it alone so you got an excuse. Last guy I dusted blamed it on his tires.
  2. And the answer is they are the same people, Gerbing and Glyde. Whois registration is the same, websites are hosted on the same server.
  3. Yet now Gerbing.com is working again. Same as Gyde? Who the hell knows. I bet MIKE does. https://gerbing.com/
  4. Annnd I see they are using the name again, but lots of stuff out of stock.
  5. They went through some 'issues'. Mr. Gerbing got bought out, new owners took production overseas...and made some crap for a year. But they stood behind it...brought production back to NC. Then there was some kind of legal battle, and now neither they nor Mr. Gerbing can use the Gerbings name. Forget what the new name is, and now they have changed the product line a ton. It was so confusing I just gave up on them and hope what I got lasts until I die.
  6. Not at all, I expect it will happen. It is now a track bike.
  7. Yea, the front actually isnt too bad, they made it for skinny peeps like me.
  8. Get the full gloves, liners suck. You end up having to get bigger gloves so they feel right..so you end up with liners and a set of gloves in your saddlebags. Just get the gloves and be done with it.
  9. You are my tire changer, bitch.
  10. You can tell me anything you want about this subject and it will be gladly accepted. And what you say makes perfect sense based on what I am seeing/feeling happening.
  11. Depends if I sell the current house and get a big pole barn at the new house or just add an over-sized shed to the current house. So the choices would be full on toy hauler or a fold away harbor freight trailer.
  12. So, now that the learned mass have spoken (much appreciated btw) I will toss out my thoughts. Liter bike is too much, I will overuse the power and make the learning curve worse. A pure 600 sport is the best answer but I already have the FZ6 and it's in great shape and a great bike. There is no reason why it can't perform pretty well on the track. Perfect, no, but it is a great platform. Plus I have it, a few clicks on the interwebs and stuff will start showing up at the door. So I'm leaning (pun intended) towards adding a rear set, forks and rear shock to it. Rear set is mandatory the pegs are just too low on that bike to the point that if my feet are not in exactly the right place I drag a boot before I drag a peg. Fork work and rear shock won't cost much so why not. And as several people mentioned my lack of smoothness is a big issue here, there is no doubt when I slid it I got on too hard too soon. And yea body position is still rough, it got better after lunch but still has a long way to go. Not being smooth and improper body position isn't going to be fixed by a new bike. I am turning low 2 minute laps after two trips to the track with damn near zero experience on a sport bike. I am quite ok with that.
  13. I figured you figured that. Yea, it's played out, my neck and shoulders won't take even the semi upright position of the FZ6. But for your maiden 536 run I will gladly make an exception. I am open this weekend.
  14. I will bust out the FZ6 for that ride, would be funny as hell to add you to my signature.
  15. No, I intend to keep the White Whale...or replace it with a the new Venture which I am sure I can make go just as fast.
  16. Well, with the stock one which is like nothing. It sucked hard, well it blew hard..right square on my neck so hard I could breath. And that was only at street speeds, can't imagine it at 135.
  17. Noted. Although you won't ride with me anymore, that still hurts. Never looked at it that way, that is an excellent observation.
  18. So, I am hooked and it is decision time. Rider coach took me aside yesterday and said 'Don't push that bike any more, you are pushing the suspension as far as you can. The rear is working too hard, I can see it when I follow you' This was after he watched me slide it sideways through 8. I rolled on too soon and too hard. Now, as I get better and smoother I might be able to squeeze a bit more out of it but he is right, few more track days and I will be going as quick as I can on this bike. I should also add, my street riding of a sport/sporty bike is going to be very limited. Even the FZ6 is killing my body, specifically my neck from having it angled up like you have to. I injured it pretty good when I was young, arthritis is setting in. I have no problems at the track with it, 20 minutes on and 40 off more or less and it can handle that, zero pain. But a whole day on the street is killing me. So as we ponder this, street riding is of little to no concern. Option 1. Convert the FZ6. Rear set. clip ons, really good rear shock is available and decent front forks for about a grand. So I would have 3800 total in the bike and upgrades. (Not counting trailer, lap timer, gopro, gps, tire warmers, generator and an umbrella babe as those costs will come with any bike). I figure in the spring I can flip the FZ6 for 3K. Option 2. Flip the FZ6 and grab a 600 SS in the 4K range. Option 3. Flip the FZ6 and grab a liter bike in the 4k range. Lets debate the three options as they are, then we can start a 'which best bike for option 2 or 3' later. I am pretty sure what I am going to do, but am curious what the masses here think.
  19. So, if I go Sept 11th and 12th I can be in for this.
  20. That is actually option 2 in my original list.
  21. The old popcorn might be full of asbestos depending upon it's age. 1977 was the ban on that. So if it is older than that, I would leave it alone.
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