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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. So I just left. I will be honest, I went to see him to say goodbye. But I didn't, there is hope. He most certainly responds quickly and strongly to stimulus even though he is still sedated. He moves on his own like someone tossing in their sleep. Then he let out this giant sigh. To me thats a physical response to an emotional thought. To me that is huge. He has a lung infection, so he is on antibiotics and the ventilator until they clear his lungs. And while that is going on they have to keep him sedated. They hope tomorrow that they will remove the ventilator.
  2. Good. http://thekneeslider.com/harley-davidson-v4-engine-prototype-photos/
  3. Because they are discontinuing part of their product line and being bought out?
  4. The lulz keep coming. https://www.carthrottle.com/post/ducati-is-ending-production-of-v-twin-sports-bikes/
  5. Of course man, will do.
  6. Change in plans, I am going right after work. Should be there 5ish.
  7. Listen to Phil. Changing a pin lock is a bit of a PITA. And yoy have to be real careful how you store them...they scratch like a mofo. Pin locks are great for fog. There are not for sun glare imnsho. Get a helmet with a flip down sun visor. They all have them now.
  8. Visiting hours are 11 to 8 for non family. I will be there at 11 tomorrow.
  9. He had a heart attack Sunday. He was out for some time but they revived him and put a stint in his heart. But he is still out, they are very concerned about brain damage. This is not good gang. I am going to visit tomorrow, he is in CCU at Southwest General Hospital in Middleburg Heights. Visiting is 11 to 8.
  10. Now add a 1 million liability rider for about 50 bucks a year. The right one will cover medical when yours or theirs runs out along with everything else. Yea, I'm over insured. F' it, I am fine with that. BTW, one life flight will eat up that 25K in a heartbeat. They are all almost always out of network.
  11. Post them on youtube then hot link them.
  12. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Depends which Justin is asking. The one that saved my life last fall or the one that planned a bunch of awesome trips this season and didn't invite me?
  13. Interesting. Normally when I use my mod powers to edit a post I see the hyperlink instead of the picture. I don't when I hit yours. Casper probably broke that too.
  14. Lets post Craigslist ads for helmets and piss off Pauley. https://columbus.craigslist.org/mpo/6211110915.html
  15. How in the hell did seeing me south of Millersburg not make you recap of the days events?
  16. Tore up SEO. 400 miles, hit 'em all. @ricer1 did too.
  17. Really tempted to add that in.
  18. Happens to all of us. You'll be back when they are bigger.
  19. Tonik


    FFS Tim, new is even in bold.
  20. What about the poop you let loose on it?
  21. Looks like you attached the image. The Photobucket issue is when you link to them.
  22. Yea, but who the hell is going to vouch for you.
  23. Nothing is future proofed in the interwebs/IT. It's a big concern in the field where evolving technology causes data loss because the old technology is no longer supported. Think floppy disks. If all your data is on floppies there is a time when you will no longer be able to buy a floppy drive to read them. If you want a better chance at keeping your images valid then go with a pay service. I use Smugmug for my photo's. Its like 25 bucks a year. Flikr is good but with the recent buyout of Yahoo by Verizon I would be careful with that one. Who knows WTF Verizon will charge in the future.
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