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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Thanks man, all is well in the world now.
  2. I get that, the WTF was why I wasn't included in that.
  3. These tires are available again because someone who shall remain nameless just realized that a 16 inch tire does not fit on a 15 inch rim.
  4. Tonik

    Harley recall

    It only seems that way to you because you are slow as hell.
  5. Tonik

    Harley recall

    Do Ducati's have back brakes on anything? I know the first few gen's of Multi's didn't.
  6. Tonik

    Harley recall

    300 thousand of them. Gonna cost over 10 million. Heat melts the brake switch and possibly causes leaks in the brake system. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/10/24/harley-davidson-recalling-over-300-000-motorcycles/
  7. Its got Nascar style vents in the front for the brakes!!
  8. You can't prove that!! I never posted about it on a public forum!!
  9. Great point until you consider this thread is littered with people bragging about how they ripped off Bridgestone not only getting double what was intended but also teaching each other how to file for it an extra time on another site and get it twice. Disingenuous level: Expert.
  10. Everyone has a price for their soul Tim. Yours appears to be a hundy.
  11. The new ones have far more than that.
  12. Tonik

    Best Damn Coffee

    No, the point of owning a G S X R is so you have a place to install your blinky lights.
  13. Damn, wish I hd thought of that.
  14. Well they just ran out of bandwidth. So maybe one of you two can give us the Cliff Notes. Nevermind, it is working again.
  15. Tires are like people. As soon as either is born they start to die. Those tires are 5.5 years old. I don't care when they went on the bike, if they ever went on a bike or how many miles they got on them. No offense, but stop researching and debating. Throw them away.
  16. That is a shame man. I hated it when I traveled, glad those days are gone.It's probably the only reason I am not making big bucks working for my kid, don't want the travel. And it's not just motorcycles...it's missing everything.
  17. I agree, when I was younger I had a 9 second SS. But unless you knew how to seriously drive all you would do is wreck. Now because my kid has a huge checkbook he can pull low 10's just by sitting there and mashing the pedal to the floor.
  18. Oh ffs every car in the world unlocks and turns on the lights when you press the fob you f'ing nitwit. I never have to touch my fob the whole time I drive it. And FTFY.
  19. Wait, you had a BMW?
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