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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. If you don't use Tapatalk when you come here there was a pop up telling you how awesome tapatalk was. Used to be you could turn that popup off. Now if @Casper wants that off he has to pay time. They want the pop up so they can get more users to spy on so they can generate more ads for more money. He might not have fully pulled the plug, but since I just mentioned him I am sure he will be along. In the meantime, why not remove OR from your Tapatalk. I would think that would kill the notifications.
  2. Tonik

    Number 237

  3. BTW, it's only .132 gallons. I rounded way up hoping peeps would believe that number. If were were getting ripped off big time, some lawyer would have sued them long ago.
  4. Tonik

    Smallest 9mm?

    Yea, if you miss that much you deserve to die. In fact, save the 7th and use it to shoot yourself.
  5. That's right, I am involved in your kids education. And you are paying me well with great benefits and lots of vacation. Thanks pal.
  6. The hose may look big on the outside, but it is small on the inside. The opposite of the TARDIS btw. About 2/10'ths of a gallon is all you get ripped off for.
  7. Where was the gas station? We went north of downtown for gas, is there something south?
  8. Tires put back on, and new plugs. Just need the air cleaner to get here and I am done. Also taped a note to the ignition to remind me both tires are new in case I forget on the first ride.
  9. Imnsho, any decent honest painter is going to say it all has to come off, at the very least every panel you want repaired. If you don't you are painting over an area the is bound to peel later.
  10. The larger one. It really is perfect, its big. Not busy and is state run so they won't mind us being there.
  11. Tonik

    Smallest 9mm?

    Very few do that anymore. They are dead.
  12. Didn't think it was possible but you just made modding around here more gay.
  13. You know way more about the track than I do, so correct me if I am an idiot. Isn't most track corner braking about slowly braking until you reach the slowest part of the corner...slow down gradually until you get just slow enough to make that part?
  14. They may make you leave it....sometimes they are busy. Only one wrench in the back, although Ken sometimes fills in on tires.
  15. New tires for a Gap Trip. What a concept.
  16. So each of you have 3 tires? Did you get Ural's too?
  17. Picked up my rims with the new tires mounted on them from the dealer. Unfortunately they are not snow tires.
  18. Yea, the boat ramp is good as far as I am concerned. I think what happened is someone though it would be cool to use the fishing shack, which it would be if it wasn't tuff geographically for the western contingent....then that morphed into other spots somehow. And yea, the lady at the gas station said it is empty except during the fair in September.
  19. Good point Brian, I knew that and completely forgot that nuance. So, would the cop have ignored ear plugs...that certainly is a possibility. So this thread is useless, it should be locked and the OP should be banned.
  20. That was the answer I expected, just didn't want to say it for you.
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