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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Oh it sucks, and is hard as hell. Cops for sure would have lit me up for a suspected DUI if they saw me.
  2. A while back there was a giant thread about how you can't steer a bike with just a lean. I stayed out of it, people were going ape shit. Instead on the way home from work I got on the turnpike at 147, set the cruise at 80 and drove all the way to 170 where I get off. I stayed in my lane, went around corners and changed lanes and never once touched my handle bars.
  3. Just to clarify, what are you asking when you say 'how many of you actually use counter-steering'. Cuz I am pretty damn certain we all do since it's the only way to steer a bike at speed. Don't say it Tonik...don't say it Tonik....quick someone ban me before I go for the obvious joke here.
  4. And I'm totally getting an infrared thermometer for the donuts.
  5. As Tony mentioned we start the corner a little slower as we snap over. That gives us two huge advantages for the rest of the curve. We can see further, we are on the outside and can look further thru the apex. And most importantly we can now totally control our exit line with our throttle but still be acellerating. In a right hander....on coming car crowding the center line we don't roll on as hard. Gravel on the right, roll on more and drift out.
  6. Heck, I even got my donuts trained to lean.
  7. If for some reason you don't get it in time I have already made arrangements for us to borrow my kids. And if you want to check his out while its winter we can certainly do that. He isn't far from where you live. Basically 18 and 94.
  8. Remember when I took you aside and said you were one of the smoothest riders I have seen...I am the opposite. I go from straight up to 90 percent lean in a heartbeat. Dunno how I can do it so quick, but I do. I do know that after a day in the twisties my arms and shoulders are sore.
  9. Just hit it with one of those 3M Scotch Brite pads.
  10. Dead nuts on assessment, I have seen the same thing. Not sure if I am pulling it off, but I try and do it your way too. Turn later and harder...square it off.
  11. Yea, he was raised by white people. He sucks at math.
  12. F' the turtle. The rule is if you can eat it in one sitting, speed up. You will go right through it. If it's bigger and will provide a couple of meals...slow down and avoid...cuz it will probably wreck you.
  13. Yea, so the goals on the track are different. You want the shortest lap time. Every turn has a 'slowest point'. That point in a turn where you have to be going the slowest you will be going in the entire turn. Often just before the apex. On the street we brake before the turn to that speed..or a bit under. That gives us the margin for error for not knowing the turn exactly, or gravel and so on. On the track you know the turn and the conditions, so you don't slow down that far on entry and you trail brake up to that slowest point. That keeps your speed up longer...cuts the lap time. And eats tires.
  14. If you are trail braking in the corner you will get more cupping because you are putting more force on the front tire. You have seen me, I am on the brakes before entry....then on the throttle through the whole corner. So my front tire is lighter....I get zero cupping.
  15. Yep. Dual compound tires are the only way to roll.
  16. My bike weighs a bunch more than yours, and that's not counting donuts, moonshine and spare batteries for Triumphs in the saddlebags. I too tend to ride somewhat aggressively. I get 15K on a rear, 20 on a front.
  17. ^ I hate you. That is such a nice setup.
  18. Top of page 10. Left side wears more because of road crown. Tim's got a heavy bike, he is a bit heavy and it has lots of HP and he uses all of it. If he wants good grip he is going to eat tires. Just the way it is on that bike.
  19. I took my mom there along with her husband and my wife. When we left the hotel I fired this up on repeat until we got to Graceland.
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