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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Prison is only a deterrent for law abiding people. Segregation and punishment are all it does. Which is fine.
  2. Death penalty isn't revenge. It's a penalty for a crime. Penalty is even in it's name to help people understand the concept. It's a sick twisted penalty, but it is a penalty none the less.
  3. I have been copying and pasting from my old posts for a couple of years now. Working on a way to automate it.
  4. 12 percent of all death row inmates are totally exonerated....not only spared the death penalty but actually determined innocent and set free. And it happens at a rate of 130 times more than general crimes. Chances are extremely high that we have murdered a great many innocent people in cold blood in the name of the death penalty. Those in favor of the death penalty are at the very least guilty of conspiracy to commit murder and should be put to death.
  5. How will you know we are telling the truth?
  6. They can work on the south side of the wall.
  7. Yea, this should be a lesson for a lot of other countries. Trump is not afraid to stick it right up their ass. For the wall or not he played the Mexican Presidential exteamly well and is poised to deliver on a major election promise.
  8. Fair enough. But until late today he had said no such thing. At the time of my post my troll was valid.
  9. And I was referring to the Duc's not even being a top ten Hipster bike.
  10. Where did Trump say it was going to be an import tariff?
  11. Please let him know that he is my hero. For what that is worth.
  12. Nope, not even on the top ten list. http://www.motorcycle.com/top10/top-10-hipster-motorcycles.html
  13. We could call it the Trump Dome It will be all gold and red velvet and the referees will be hot woman!!
  14. Tonik

    Katana Hate?

    I know when Justin saved my life by noticing I had burned my tire right up 500 miles from home I was glad I had a common size also.
  15. Tonik

    Katana Hate?

    Don't they pretty much just crash when they get any where near Coshocton?
  16. .....pose a 'substantial risk of serious harm'. Not a fan of the death penalty (except for Casper) but isn't that what they are supposed to do? http://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/index.ssf/2017/01/federal_judge_ohios_three-drug.html#incart_river_home
  17. Yes, when traveling in a straight line on a flat road.
  18. Next time tell him you are very sorry you disappointed him, and that it won't happen again and that you will be sure to run in the future.
  19. Going in a straight line on a flat road it will be extremely accurate. Throw in curves and hills and it becomes less accurate as it misses some of the distance you cover. But not badly. What I did was run a GPS speedo on a flat road at different speeds. So at 35 I know it is off 2 mph, at 45 it is 2.5 and so on.
  20. We give 500 million a year to Mexico in aid. Finance the wall and pay it with that money, about a 15 year payoff.
  21. Follow up question: Should we deport all motorcyclists for the actions of a few?
  22. Should we deport you for your illegal antics on motorcycles?
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