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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Shit man, I curbed a wheel on my kids TESLA. 1500 bucks. It was awesome when I told him...'So Dave, remember when you were a kid and you wrecked the hell out of my car.....'
  2. Wow, I give you a compliment and generously elevate you to slightly higher than a retard and this is how you react?
  3. Look, if @Casper says its easy any retard can do it.
  4. Yet you take the freeway when you trailer.
  5. I don't recall it being like you describe. You should stay logged in, then create a custom view so it shows what you are asking for on the left.
  6. They ALL cite the same source. Last paragraph of what you linked to for example. Really man, Check Point is the laughing stock of the security world. They find an obscure unusable exploit....generate fear and make money selling bullshit fixes and special detectors.
  7. FYI, you are falling for that 'Fake News' stuff the liberals are all up in arms about. Check Point is total marketing bullshit. http://vanguarddaily.com/quadrooter-hoax/
  8. As a fellow 'Grandpa' let me point out what you missed in what IP (he is a fake hipster BTW) said. He is not disputing changing the oil before you park it, he is disputing changing the oil before you park it and then in the spring changing it again. " I will never understand why people change their oil before sticking the bike in storage, just to change it again in the spring. " He raises a valid point. As long as you are not firing the bike up during the winter and creating condensation in the crankcase there is no reason to change the oil in the spring. And even if you did start it during the winter changing it would be debatable as the minimal condensation would burn out of the oil in about 20 miles. Damn old people.
  9. I forgot to point out, in the spring I turn it inside out so the dirty side is on the outside. Last damn near all summer that way. Depends how many miles I do that season.
  10. I change my underwear before I stop riding for the season, But I also ride that underwear out in the spring.
  11. Is there a way in ios to set the screen to be unlocked when connected to certain bluetooth devices? Android calls it trusted devices. So my Sena and car when paired unlock it. Or a third party 'screen on' app that keeps the screen on.
  12. Colder than you will fee safe riding due to possible ice. In other words the deciding factor won't be comfort, you will be very comfy. It will be the possible/probable road conditions. I freeze quickly and badly, I have very low tolerance for the cold and I can ride in the mid 30's no problem.
  13. Dow up 88, another new record high!! Thanks Trump!!
  14. Yea, this really isn't an oil thread...as all oils are the same. This is more of a 'whats the best bike thread'. It's a personal preference and what's important to you.
  15. And yea, its an oil thread.
  16. F&N's FNX model. It is the smoothest shooting 45 I have ever shot. Very easy to shoot, my wife who is small and weak and not a gun nut is deadly with it. Decocker so it can be ready to go DA for the first round then SA after that if you want. They come ambidextrous everything if you need that.
  17. It was freaking snowing today while I was washing yesterdays bugs off the bike.
  18. Damn, we could have at least had coffee and shot the shit. My day was epic. 360 miles, I went way further south and east than I expected. I was making great time so I just kept going hitting all the good roads I could think of. Great way to end the season. 83 to Choshocton 36 93 541 658 209 83 to the bucket then back east on 78 to 564 145 565 260 26 to 800 and back north to New Philly where I grabbed 21 home. Gto home about 6 pm just as it was getting good and dark.
  19. No, we are riding. The peeps that are not riding suck.
  20. I'll be down by the bucket, but that will probably be my turn around point.
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