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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. If I bought a 'real bike' where would I put the tools we needed to fix yours when it broke down? Nope, that doesn't notify me. But nice try noob.
  2. And how in the hell am I supposed to do that, I was doing 105 on 83 and you blew my doors right the fuck off. Figuratively speaking, since I don't have doors.
  3. Exactly. If I wanted to talk to people I would buy a convertible and invite them along. Sena is for tunes and if the wife wants to call. Everyone else can FOAD.
  4. Connecting to my Sena via a data connection is still connecting to my Sena. #YouHaveBeenWarned
  5. Two. Motorcycle related and Non-Motorcycle related.
  6. Pretty much everything he posted yesterday was crap. Fake news, posts to old dead threads and now this.
  7. Top left when you quote, to the left of the bold B. Looks like a blank page. Tap it, it clears the stuck quotes. I fixed it, you are welcome. More importantly do we need another barrel of lube or is there enough left over?
  8. Yea, and maybe you will get out of the kitchen.
  9. @Casper 's fake news mystery solved. If you believed him when he said the Russians hack the DNC you believe him now right?
  10. Can't anymore in Ohio. The Ohio Supremes ruled that winter is a fact of life in Ohio and if you fall you should be more careful. Now, if Wendy's had a leaky faucet and the water froze that's a different story.
  11. No, I am not smoking crack, but if I keep talking to you I sure as shit am going to start.
  12. We need another sub-forum to put all of @Casper 's troll crap in. We will call it Fake News for/from Asshats
  13. CNN is not a news site. Please try and pay attention.
  14. Think I will just leave this right here. If any of you asshats think CNN is any different than Fox or The National Enquirer you are well, asshats. And don't forget CNN was up to their assholes helping the DNC rig the primary for Hillary. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-10/4chan-claims-have-fabricated-anti-trump-report-hoax
  15. @TimTheAzn don't even have a bike anymore, let alone a pool table.
  16. Why did Bernie have a town hall last night on CNN? Didn't anyone tell him that the primary is over, and he lost because the DNC rigged it? And is CNN just trying to make things right since they were knee deep helping the DNC with their plan by feeding Hillary the questions for the debates ahead of time?
  17. Got it. Next time I am on my ATV at the track and see you on your bike I will shoot you. Then blame Obama at the trial.
  18. Thought I was on a motorcycle forum. My mistake.
  19. Oh. No. I used to, did US 1 down the CA coast. All kind of stuff like that. Fuck that.
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