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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. They are overpriced, but not pos's.
  2. Mods can't, but maybe Casper can but he might blow it up too. Wonder what would happen if you created another topic and I merged them. Go for it, worth a try, can't be any worse than what Casper would do.
  3. Now when you buy your new bike you don't even have to leave the dealership!!! http://www.ohio.com/business/get-your-motor-running-craft-brewery-opens-inside-ohio-harley-davidson-dealership-1.741616
  4. Like this, yea it's a Camero but you get the idea.
  5. To post images use the full url...so h t p p://chargerssuck.com/image.jpg
  6. Hahaha...I knew that would get you going!!
  7. In 2008 all the evidence said there would be zero ice on the North Pole. That was what your kind was saying back then. Why should we believe you now?
  8. That's great news, there is still ice down there!! In 2008 Al Gore told us it would all be gone by 2013. Global Warming disaster averted!!! Thanks Trump.
  9. Do you realize how close you will be to Louisiana? Edit, I mean New Orleans. You gotta get that in there for one night of insanity.
  10. He bought one those giant gas tankers too when he thought the world was going to run out of gas. Parked that damn thing in our back yard full of gas.
  11. 50 years ago my dad sat me down and showed me a Time or Newsweek or some such magazine article that said there was going to be a new Ice Age and that we were fucked. He was wrong, so are you.
  12. That little bit of the Parkway you are on that is in Alabama...the cops are all over it like you would not believe. Rest of it is ok.
  13. Planet isn't fucked, you are over reacting.
  14. Finally!! After all this time something Mags and I agree on!!
  15. It won't miss you though. But let us know which planet you move to!!!
  16. Look, taking it off the trailer and riding it around the gas station really doesn't count.
  17. Pretty sure Casper's includes when his two wheels were on a trailer.
  18. You will have a really hard time find a Benz with a stick. Their target market is the discerning luxury sports car buyer, not the knuckle dragging mullet wearing crowd.
  19. You mean her Impreza? Yeah she does.
  20. Think I'll leave these right here.
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