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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    New here

    You trailer-ed your bike far further than you road it that day. That is just plain fucked up.
  2. Tonik

    New here

    Yea, I want to see it too. That mount point looks pretty promising.
  3. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Wait.... @what The 17th is Monday. We leave on the 15th. I might be confused on what you are saying though.
  4. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Another option is to skip Saturday with us and go straight to Johnson City. Looks like 6 hours, could go down 23/52 so it isn't all slab. There is a lot of nice roads around Pikesville so you could mix it up and make it a day.
  5. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Don't tell @ScubaCinci he will get pissed that it was so easy.
  6. Yea, that was my group. We were the only group to use that stop, cuz we are 'different'.
  7. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Moving the thread to the Gap folder. Some dumbass started the thread in the wrong spot. Also, attached are Sygic routes for each day. Sunday and Monday are split into two parts. Mon Part 1 2016 Gap Trip.itf Mon Part 2 2016 Fall Gap Trip v2.itf Sat 2016 Fall Gap Trip.itf Sun Part 1 2016 Fall Gap Trip.itf Sun Part 2 2016 Fall Gap Trip v2.itf
  8. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    I think @CBBaron is still looking for a roommate if you are able to make it.
  9. Triumph wasn't ours, I didn't see it but he is hurt bad. Home. Thanks Derek, was a great route and well planned. Had a blast as usual running down with you. Kudo's to my group. Best group evar. Well spaced, you were always back there where you should be when I looked, everyone having a blast and being safe. Awesome signals from my sweep. Brian, you sir are a saint. My last jar of Apple Pie Moonshine is yours.
  10. He was bitching about it via text the other day too.
  11. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Or more common sense.
  12. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    @Casper broke a ton of shit last night.
  13. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Nice, I was looking for something like that to include when I did that to you.
  14. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yea, there was no reason for you to stir up all this shit.
  15. Tonik


    LOL @Casper what did you break now? Inserting and attaching pics are all messed up. Flat out can't do it. Then there is this: : NinjaDoc replied to Danimal's __defart_topic in The Daily Ride"
  16. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yep, was just giving Craig a point of reference. His bike is faster than your China bike, and you were obviously fine for that short rune we had together up 28 in the spring.
  17. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Yea, medium to medium fast...but a tiny bit slower on the really tight corners due to my limited lean.
  18. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Ibuprofen. 600 mg starting first thing Saturday, then every 6 hours for the rest of the trip. Bicycle shorts under your stuff. The extra padding and compression helps a TON. Move around as much as you can. I know your options are limited but even little movements help a ton. Move foward and back on the seat, move your feet...heels on the pegs..toes. Do it often, every 15 minutes or so. Also stand up on your pegs if you can....... We won't be going that fast on the freeway Saturday. That stretch of 81 is HIGH enforcement. I will be surprised if you can't keep up with me on 2 lane, I am fast but that bike of yours will move along real well. Dan was able to keep up with me with his China bike and that is a 250. I had him on the straights but he could carry way more speed in the corners.
  19. Woo, thanks for the reminder. Greg Norman helped me out of a sand trap on the south course at Firestone once. Forgot about that one.
  20. No, don't think Castro was ever there. Although it was pretty close to Cuba. It was a small private island in the Bahamas that he was given by one of the dudes that financed the Watergate break in.
  21. I'm not. But I am a fan of hanging with 'famous' peeps. Partied for a few days with Pink Floyd. Had drinks with Cyndi Lauper, saved Tiny Tim's life. Watched Morrissey save my kids life. And my favorite...took a piss in Richard Nixon's bathroom.
  22. .... @Casper and I will be hanging and partying with Wu Tang Clan. And yes I mean in their hotel room with groupies and booze and drugs and stuff. Yes, we will be posting pics. No this isn't a 'Ride'. But the forum title is 'Rides and Events'. This will most certainly be an Event.
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