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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I really don't like doing drywall.
  2. Too late now, but on 78 a couple of blocks east of 77 is 'Lori's'. Great home cooking, especially the pies.
  3. He is out riding, won't be home until early evening.
  4. After you get your bike fixed go south west of St. Louis. Mark Twain Nat Forest...all of that area..aka The Ozarks.
  5. Ok, here it is. Casper is still missing, hope I got it right. Lets run it a week, so next Saturday morning we will close it. Thank you everyone that applied. In all seriousness the delay was trying to narrow it down to 5, there were boatloads of good candidates. And it just plain sucked trying to eliminate perfectly good candidates to get it down to 5. Votes are hidden so you can vote however you want without others knowing. Below is the list in no particular order, but vote above in the poll please. @DerekClouser @2talltim @TimTheAzn @cmh_sprint @jbot
  6. That will take awhile. Yellow plates started in 2004. He has some catching up to do. Wait till he finds out a black dude is President.
  7. Kind of makes you wonder what other news worthy events Joe has never heard of
  8. Casper is away, I was going to start it in the morning. But since you asked I will wait a few more days to do it.
  9. No, the linked article is OLD, look at the date under 'Doug DeMuro. And you suck. Doug DeMuro 5/15/14 1:11pm
  10. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Ok, this is really bad. Who the hell is going to sexually abuse the Asian if IP doesn't go.
  11. Article is two years old. And was still a few years behind at that. Epic fail there Joe.
  12. And now, this is what you hear.
  13. Thats all on @Casper. And as a mod you wont be able to ban him. Believe me I have tried. But you can change his profile.
  14. Anyone know if Ducati is still making radios for the Nazi's?
  15. You spoke too soon my friend. I was busy making a new topic for this. I think you will be pleased.
  16. See the poll, it's self explanatory.
  17. Can't, not an option. Can't add polls after the topic is created. Plus wouldn't do it unless the OP requested it, that would be over moderating. But your point is valid, music sucks. Should be the real sounds of the ride/bike.
  18. Tonik

    Fall Gap Trip 2016

    Wrong room. That is yours and IP's room.
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