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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. What about this, should the government be able to force churches to recognize and accommodate transgenders? http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/church-sues-iowa-stop-application-transgender-rules-40357882
  2. Dunno what country you folks live in, but in the US we don't use the Imperial System. You should move here.
  3. It's Tonik with a K. Might have to make that a banable offense. Been happening a lot recently.
  4. Call back, maybe the next customer service agent you get wont be a retard.
  5. Wait. It was all ready Imperial.....so they converted it to metric....so they could convert it back to where they started? That strikes me as somewhat retarded.
  6. You will get my Standard measurement system from me when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. As far as your fear of losing your job, the only hate I see about religion comes from the atheists who feel the need to ridicule people that believe, despite the fact they are hurting no one. Worst most Christians would try and do to you is 'save' you. I find it interesting that champions of tolerance can become so intolerant when faced with baby Jesus. Now the bat shit insane Muslims are a seperate case of course.
  7. That was the storm that followed us back from Colorado. Pent up release from the Dome of Hate. Sorry about that man.
  8. Give them to me. Bet we can suck in enough people to the next contest to ban the whole damn board!!!
  9. And then they start to fight each other. Case in point over the weekend there was a giant gay pride parade in NY. The gays let Black Lives Matter march with them. Parade started and BLM staged a protest and halted the parade until their demands were met. Their demands were more BLM groups, more representation of black gay folks, oh and removal of the police that were marching in the gay parade in support of the gays. The gays gave in to all the demands, which I find rather gay.
  10. Right, but it appears I can't. There was no option for that I saw, so I am a dumbass and blind, or I do not have those super abilities, or I gave him the wrong kind of points when I banned him. Not a big deal, just trying figure it out for future reference. My next contest will be epic, there will be lots of points to remove.
  11. Nice find, go with that. WV at it's worst is still better than PA. As Dan said, PA is nice for scenery, history and a few curves. But it doesn't have the epic twisties that WV has.
  12. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    He can't get a 5 year max, he can only get 4. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nba/2016/06/29/lebron-james-cavaliers-free-agent-contract/86533252/
  13. I was able to un ban him, he posted before you intervened. It let me click it and delete it. Interesting.
  14. Hey, @Casper He still has his 24 warning points, I removed the restriction...so he should be un-banned. But I can't figure out how to remove the warning points. I set them to expire today at 9:30AM. Take a peek and let me know what I am doing wrong for future reference. TIA.
  15. And welcome back @Idiot Sorry for the 30 minute delay. @Casper 's automatic system for ending bannings is broke, no surprise there. I was in a meeting and couldn't manually do it until now.
  16. I hear Siberia is nice this time of year.
  17. Tonik

    F U Cbus

    He opted out of his last year, so he can get a new max contract from the cavs. But because of his age it will be a tad less than max.
  18. You have to make your own opportunities. The next contest will be soon. I learned a lot on this one, and have a plan forming. I bet I get to ban a dozen or more people with this one.
  19. Motocat's link is a good case in point. The gays are just f'ing with that dating site. Whether it allows gays or not doesn't impact a gays freedom in the least. The Christian Singles are just as entitled to like their lives as they see fit as the gays are.
  20. Did you see the weather after we left? One day behind us massive rains...road closures and floods....from Denver thru Kansas...IL, IN and now OH. Blow me.
  21. But I would assume he gets the emails when we quote ir mention him.
  22. Not sure, but I can see it. If the ban I gave him works like I think it does then he can't even access the site while logged in. cc @Idiot
  23. This is how I feel about it. Any iof the motorcycle specific ones are good now. So pick tour features. For me the huge one would be the ability to create routes in a computer, then transfer them over. Preferably from google maps.
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